Tag Archives: Ice Age Hydrology

Submerged Baltic Rock a Bronze Age Megalith? Or Materialistic Darwinian ‘Ancient UFO’?

BalticUFO-OverdatedMegalithPop Historians Reduce Submerged Baltic Megalith to A Materialistic Ancient UFO!

Not just that, but per Darwinian paradigm they date a pre-1500 BC ordinary megalith to 140.000 BP! And therefore it has to be an Unidentified Flying Object, UFO, because by their own wrong dating, the cavemen couldn’t make any Bronze Age megaliths. And thus this is the first UFO ever made of rock, even if metallic contents were found inside! Intergalactic Flintstones?BalticMegalithBronzeAge2

Again and again, we are being bamboozled by Darwinian propaganda from people who call themselves academics but are actually engaged in pure scientism, the religion of Quackademia of today! Enjoy the glaring irony! MUST watch! Be amused.

Continue reading Submerged Baltic Rock a Bronze Age Megalith? Or Materialistic Darwinian ‘Ancient UFO’?

What Unique Climate Mechanism Caused the Ice Age?

by James Nienhuys •   819 views

Ice Age Hydrology —  Exposition One

steampanWhat caused the Ice Age? The common wisdom is that it was colder back then, but the Arctic and Antarctic were already deserts because of the intense cold, so why the ice age snow-packs which covered almost entire continents? Obviously, what caused that expansive and dense cloud-cover for all that snow and much more rain in the middle latitudes worldwide must have been by greater evaporation off the oceans of the world, heated from below, like a pot of water on a low burner.

With over six hundred ancient legends from around the world about the global flood, often similar to the story in the book of Genesis about Noah, when considering that the mountain ranges rose at the close of the global flood as the water slid off into the then deepening ocean basins of the world (see http://globalflood.org), the obviously sound hydrological deduction is, that Noah’s Flood was the historic event which caused the heating of the ocean for the Ice Age to follow!

Continue reading What Unique Climate Mechanism Caused the Ice Age?