Professor J. Wells Molecular & Cell Biologist Exposes Impossibilities of Evolution

Moths changing colors, Finches beaks, and other Darwinian Icons of “Evolution” are just not so, according to Professor Jonathan Wells PhD,  Molecular & Cell Biologist. But if you think that this research and true science will ever reach the public or change Quackademia’s mind and its controlled Education system, you are not aware of the agenda of the PTSB, the ‘powers that shouldn’t be’. MUST WATCH.

Yet “historians’ like Robert Sepehr and Graham Hancock and their many “alternative” cronies, the so-called “megalithomaniacs”, base their long ancient datings of 10.000 – 100.000 years BP of “human development” on its faulty non existing premises. Continue reading Professor J. Wells Molecular & Cell Biologist Exposes Impossibilities of Evolution

Darwin’s Vigilantes, Richard Sternberg, and Conventional Pseudoscience

Fred Reed — The Unz Review Sept 22, 2018

 I am sorry. I admit it: I am a bad person. I promise I will never write about this again. Well, sort of never. It’s just too much fun. Anyway, it’s not my fault. My childhood makes me do it. Maybe I ate lead paint.
Science is supposed to be objective study of nature, impelled by a willingness to follow the evidence impartially wherever it leads. For the most part it works this way. In the case of emotionally charged topics, it does not. For example, racial intelligence, cognitive differences between the sexes, and weaknesses in Darwinian evolution. Scientists who do perfectly good research in these fields, but arrive at forbidden conclusions, will be hounded out of their fields, fired from academic and research positions, blackballed from employment, and have their careers destroyed.
sternbergA prime example is Richard Sternberg, a Ph.D. in biology (Molecular Evolution) from Florida International University and a Ph.D. in Systems Science (Theoretical Biology) from Binghamton University. He is not a lightweight. From 2001-2007 he was staff scientist at the National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2001-2007 a Research Associate at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.

Continue reading Darwin’s Vigilantes, Richard Sternberg, and Conventional Pseudoscience

Dangerous History! How Quackademia Suppresses True British Arturian & Christian Welsh History

Richard D. Hall speaks to Adrian Gilbert about his latest book “The Blood of Avalon”. The book continues on from his earlier work with historians Wilson and Blackett about the real King Arthur in South Wales. He has made some incredible discoveries independently of Wilson and Blackett which provide further evidence that the famous King Arthur legend does in fact originate in Glamorgan. By analysing various place names he has pin pointed the actual location of the Grail Castle spoken of in Arthurian legend.

He also explains that the name of the church which Wilson and Blackett excavated in 1990, where Arthurian artefacts were found, is named after Bedivere, one of Arthur’s knights. This area is known in legends as Avalon, and was able to hold onto its original history for many years due to the fact that the land remained for centuries outside of Norman rule. Adrian explains how blood lines are crucially important when making a claim to the throne. The Holy Grail Arthurian bloodline could present a major threat to the current royal bloodline of the UK, which might explain the attempts to bury Wilson and Blackett and their research – and why someone in 2011 detonated a bomb strategically placed under Baram Blacket’s bed. Three MUST WATCH videos. Continue reading Dangerous History! How Quackademia Suppresses True British Arturian & Christian Welsh History

Turkish-Chinese Expedition Claim Finding Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat Was Fraudulent Hoax

CHINESE DISCOVERY REPORT I have been asked about a joint Turkish-Chinese expedition that claimed to have found Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat in Turkey. They took pictures of what they alleged were inside a  structure that contained wooden beams carbon-dated to  4,800 years old.

However, a member of the expedition, Dr Randall Price,  reports:

“I was the archaeologist with the Chinese expedition in  the summer of 2008 and was given photos of what they now  are reporting to be the inside of the Ark. “I and my partners invested $100,000 in this expedition,  which they have retained, despite their promise and our  requests to return it, since it was not used for the  expedition.

“The information given below is my opinion based on what  I have seen and heard (from others who claim to have been  eyewitnesses or know the exact details).

“To make a long story short: this is all reported to be a  fake. The photos were reputed to have been taken off site  near the Black Sea, but the film footage the Chinese now  have was shot on location on Mt. Ararat.

Continue reading Turkish-Chinese Expedition Claim Finding Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat Was Fraudulent Hoax