Category Archives: Banksters Fraud

Zoser’s Saqqara Step Pyramid Grain Bins of Imhotep Joseph True Historians Proving Genesis

I am not necessarily a close fan of H. Gruver, but he also proves the truthfulness of Ron Wyatt‘s archaeology. The discovery of the deep grain bins near the Saqqara Step Pyramid of Imhotep, who therefore is proven to be identical to the Biblical Joseph, son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, who became second in command under the Pharao (Zoser or Djozer) .  It once again proves the historicity of the Book of Genesis in the Tanakh, one of the Five Books written by Moses or also called the Pentateuch!

Extrapolating from that truth, why not accept and believe its entire truth which Jesus Christ also accepted, that Creation was very recent and not billions or even millions of years ago, but at the most less than 10.000 years ago. These following are some great videos.

PROBLEM: MANY Christians even STILL do NOT believe in Genesis as REAL TRUE history because they’re STILL brain-washed by Darwin’s untenable Evolutionist nonsense & “billions of years” (How about you?) (VIEW the long videos at 1.25 or even 1.5 HIGH SPEED)

THIS is historian Jonathan Gray’s video, confirming Ron Wyatt’s discovery of Joseph’s grain-bins & more.


IF we don’t care to consider these proofs of Bible accuracy.. we are without excuse if we continue to believe Darwin & his soul-damning LIE of humans descending from animals or other species, which genetically is impossible. For your notebook or desktop computer to get more faculties/capabilities, it needs more CODE or INFORMATION in the form of software, and often acquire more hardware even to make it capable.  Information does not just ‘fall from the sky’ in some undefined, empirically never proven, unknown non directed process that these 19th century Darwinian spinsters & rich atheist bankers just thought up and labeled this mirage or ‘Fatah Morgana’, this spurious figment of their imagination: “Evolution“.  Extra coded informtion has to be programmed by Intelligence and added to the genome. It doesn’t “just happen” any more than millions of monkeys typing for millions of years coming up with an Encyclopedia, or even average American teenage destroyers (a tautology), coming up with Marxist ideas on their own without Saul Alinsky or Dewy, let alone with Platonic or Socratean philosophy! It ain’t gonna happen. They have to be taught it! Added to their brains! (?)

Deep Corn Bins Built by Joseph also called Imhotep.

All the ancient patriarchs and ancient civilisations and tribes and nations ALL accepted CREATION & talked about the GLOBAL FLOOD disaster, whereas modern Marxist, atheist, post-modernist historians are all beholden to Darwinism, for that is where the filthy lucre and Book sales for these compromisers come from.

One more recent CLEAR video of Saqqara step pyramid

HOW MUCH historical truths are suppressed by the Antichrists! It is devastating for our Christian civilisation and cultures.

How Huxley’s X-Club Created Nature Magazine and Sabotaged Science for 150 Years

Ed: This is an excellent article by Matthew Ehret  Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review .  Make sure to visit his website!

Amidst the storm of controversy raised by the lab-origin theory of COVID-19 extolled by such figures as Nobel prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier, researcher Judy Mikowits, bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, Sri Lankan Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith and the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, an elaborate project was undertaken under the nominal helm of NATURE Magazine in order to refute the claim once and for all under the report ‘The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2’.

This project was led by a team of evolutionary virologists using a line of reasoning that “random mutation can account for anything” and was parroted loudly and repeatedly by Fauci, WHO officials and Bill Gates in order to shut down all uncomfortable discussion of the possible laboratory origins of COVID-19 while also pushing for a global vaccine campaign. On April 18, Dr. Fauci (whose close ties with Bill Gates, and Big Pharma have much to do with his control of hundreds of billions of dollars of research money), stated:

“There was a study recently that we can make available to you, where a group of highly qualified evolutionary virologists looked at the sequences there and the sequences in bats as they evolve. And the mutations that it took to get to the point where it is now is totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human.”

I think at this moment, rife as it is with speculative arguments, confusion and under-defined data, it is useful to remove oneself from the present and look for higher reference points from which we can re-evaluate events now unfolding on the world stage.

In order to do this, let us begin by asking a new series of questions:

What is Nature Magazine exactly? Is it truly an “objective” platform for pure scientific research untainted by the filth of political agendas? Is this standard-bearer of “proper method”, which can make or break the career of any scientist, truly the scientific journal it claims to be or is there something darker to be discovered?

As I presented a part of this story in my previous instalment in this series The Rise of Optical Biophysics and Clash of the Two Sciences, a very old battle has been waged around political systems but also what sort of scientific paradigms will shape our future.

A Bit of Historical Context

In 1865, a group of 12 scientists under the leadership of Thomas Huxley, Matthew Arnold, Joseph Hooker, and Herbert Spencer (founder of social Darwinism) was created under the name “X Club” with the mandate to reform global British Imperial strategy.

At the time of this group’s formation, Lincoln’s north was on the cusp of putting down the secessionist rebellion which the British Intelligence establishment had work decades to nurture guided by Anglo-American operatives in America itself as well as operations in British Canada.

Having far over-extended itself during the 2nd Chinese Opium War (1856-1860) to the Crimean War (1853-1856) to putting down Indian uprisings (1857-1858) and sponsoring the Southern Confederacy (1861-1865), the British Empire knew that it was on the verge of collapse. The world was quickly waking up to its evil nature, and a new paradigm of win-win cooperation was being exported from Lincoln’s America to nations across the world (American was a very different nation from the Anglo-American dumb giant the world has known since JFK’s 1963 murder -MEK).

Lincoln’s system had been known as ‘American System of National Economy’, a name created by the father of Germany’s Zollverein Friedrich List years earlier. Unlike British Free Trade, this ‘American System’ was premised on protectionism, national banking, long term infrastructure and most importantly placed the source of value on the human mind’s capacity to make discoveries and inventions as outlined by Lincoln’s 1858 speech by the same name. In this system, the Constitutional concept of the General Welfare was not mere ink on parchment but rather the governing principle of monetary value and national policy. Continue reading How Huxley’s X-Club Created Nature Magazine and Sabotaged Science for 150 Years

Wikipedia: A Disinformation Operation?

Published: March 2020; Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR, NL, RO

Wikipedia is generally thought of as an open, transparent, and mostly reliable online encyclopedia. Yet upon closer inspection, this turns out not to be the case.

In fact, the English Wikipedia with its 9 billion worldwide page views per month is governed by just 500 active administrators, whose real identity in many cases remains unknown.

Moreover, studies have shown that 80% of all Wikipedia content is written by just 1% of all Wikipedia editors, which again amounts to just a few hundred mostly unknown people.

Obviously, such a non-transparent and hierarchical structure is susceptible to corruption and manipulation, the notorious “paid editors” hired by corporations being just one example.

Indeed, already in 2007, researchers found that CIA and FBI employees were editing Wikipedia articles on controversial topics including the Iraq war and the Guantanamo military prison.

Also in 2007, researchers found that one of the most active and influential English Wikipedia administrators, called “Slim Virgin”, was in fact a former British intelligence informer.

More recently, another highly prolific Wikipedia editor going by the false name of “Philip Cross” turned out to be linked to UK intelligence as well as several mainstream media journalists.

In Germany, one of the most aggressive Wikipedia editors was exposed, after a two-year legal battle, as a political operative formerly serving in the Israeli army as a foreign volunteer. Continue reading Wikipedia: A Disinformation Operation?

Proof a Mysterious Lost Ancient GLOBAL Civilization Spanned Virtually the Entire Planet…Suppressed by Academia! Why?

This video creator must have visited our site, as he copies some of our very own discoveries, like for example the universal ‘Oannes’ buckets‘ or ‘handbags’ in early Sumerian and Meso American art (SEE: Veracruz Venta Stele above right), but he sadly misses the quintessential point of it all, the ultimate conclusion of WHY all this has been suppressed. His video blurb states, “This (video) will likely blow your mind. 250+ photos and comparisons of ancient sites around the world, show that there is a LOT more to the story of our ancient past. Proof of a lost ancient global civilization that has been hiding in plain sight, for thousands of years. “

The giant Atlas, father of eponymous Atlantis, who mapped the stars by trigonometry and sailed across the Atlantic, duly named after him.

“Hiding”?! The proof hasn’t been hiding; The proof was purposely hidden, but not just hidden it was purposely suppressed? And what exactly was suppressed about it? The logical conclusion from all the true facts that this video brings out, that there was indeed Universal Pre-Columbian Cross-Oceanic Traffic by one shared megalithic polygonal building civilisation of one kind of people, the megalith builders during the true first Megalithic period.  And this earliest Megalithic periodisation was suppressed by (qu)Academia because they – for purely ideological reasons – prefer their asinine periodisation which doesn’t make sense in light of the discoveries in this MUST WATCH video below.

These ideology hucksters prefer the untenable ‘Paleolithic & Neolithic‘ (old stone & new stone ages) periodisation invented by 19th century John Lubbock, a friend and contemporary of Charles Darwin & Lyell Hutton. This rich banker boy under the auspices of the leading naturalists of the British elite’s Royal Society and supported by other bankers & Cecil  Rhodes’ of the ‘Round Table’ secret society (& his Rhodes scholars spreading it everywhere) invented this fraudulent idea that there was a so-called “pre-historic Stone Age” before the Bronze,  Iron, & Industrial Ages.

If that banker boy Lubbock would be alive today, like “Back to the future”,  he would be so embarrassed by what his foolish theories about history have triggered: As would Charlie Darwin as well. They would be red with shame to have been so self-deceived and plain off kilter. Perhaps they are… ashamed..  down there in Hades, watching all the philosophical, religious, cultural, psychological misery they caused with their mental philandering, causing untold tragedy and confusion.

This “Stone Age” has been caricatured to us in popular culture as populated by fresh-from-the-cave morons with an IQ of 27 who could only produce arrowheads, dragging their females by the hair into their caves before evolving into ‘hunter gatherers‘ who eventually ‘learned‘ agriculture & then built houses in communal dwellings that finally “evolved” into modern man & his “smart cities.” That’s us! Ha. This video totally destroys that notion.

We are squatting, cause we used to walk on all fours not so long ago! Our graphic designer says!

There never was such a thing as a “Paleolithic” where Man majored only on un-polished arrow heads, nor a “Neolithic” where they produced polished arrow-heads, but this video gives ample proof of a universal “Megalithic” when the sea-worthy navy-building Sea Kings, a seafaring astronomy savvy, star-guided, early group of smart megalith builders majored on a unique architectural style & technique with a raw material we never knew nor invented.  And these humans were way smarter and taller than us, and for that very reason are actively suppressed by (qu)academia because of their universal Darwinist dictatorship, where every university in the world now teaches their nonsense.

WATCH this video and have your preconceived notions about history rigorously destroyed by true history.


Continue reading Proof a Mysterious Lost Ancient GLOBAL Civilization Spanned Virtually the Entire Planet…Suppressed by Academia! Why?

Charles Darwin’s Hidden Agenda for Science – (re post)

The standard, long held view of the connection between Darwin’s religion and his theory is wrong. Supposedly he was a Christian who studied at Cambridge to become a minister. But then, during his voyage around the world on the Beagle, the scientific facts persuaded him to believe in evolution and give up his Christian faith. However, an examination of the various influences upon the youthful Charles Darwin reveals an entirely different story.

Family Background.

Charles’ grandfather, Erasmus, a successful and wealthy physician in the 18th century, wrote the book, Zoonomia (Laws of Life), which portrays a pantheistic world in which all life and species evolved. Erasmus’ close friend, industrialist Josiah Wedgwood I, embraced Unitarian theology. Erasmus’ son and Charles’ father, Robert Darwin, also a wealthy physician, probably an atheist, married Susannah Wedgwood. Other marriage ties between the two families followed. Not surprisingly, Darwin males generally were freethinkers, following the Unitarian, pantheistic and atheistic views of their principal sires.

The Son, His Father and His Wife.

Charles Darwin, was born in 1809. His dominant, atheistic father, Robert, advised him to conceal his unorthodox beliefs from his wife. Should he predecease her this would spare her from unnecessary grief because of her spouse’s dying an unbeliever. Charles never spoke publicly about his religious views. However, before he married Emma Wedgwood in 1839 he told her about his rejection of Christian faith. Though probably not herself evangelical, she was nevertheless pious, and the rather gross unbelief of her husband was painful to her. But during his life and even after his death she protected his reputation by concealing his unbelief.

Charles’ Education

Robert Darwin sent his son off to Edinburgh University in 1825. The sixteen-year-old boy found himself in a university community which was in a continual ferment of radicalism of all sorts advanced by dissenters from the Anglican church, freethinkers, anti-Christians and atheists, materialists and evolutionists. Evolution was in the air. Most influential in this phase of Charles Darwin’s life was Robert Grant, a dozen years his senior. Holding the medical degree from Edinburgh, he had made himself the leading British authority in invertebrate zoology. Grant was an avowed atheist, and evolutionist, and also a social and political radical. On zoological field trips with Grant young Charles listened to his persuasive private lecturing but kept his own counsel. Deeply interested in biological science, Charles abhorred medicine The sight of blood sickened him. After two years he returned home without a degree.

Disappointed, father Robert Darwin decided to send him off to Cambridge University for a degree in theology, after which he could purchase for him a “living” in an Anglican country church. There he could be a sportsman, a scholar, or an amateur naturalist, supported by a government stipend for life. Charles dutifully signed onto the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England and entered Cambridge. He surely saw the hypocrisy in an atheist father’s financing his son’s preparation to be a minister of the gospel. Continue reading Charles Darwin’s Hidden Agenda for Science – (re post)

The Megalith Wall New Zealand Govt Ignores & (qu)Academia Deems Natural

A pyramid in New Zealand? or just a pile of very even blocks of stone. If it is a man made structure, we know it is at least 1800 years old. In 186 AD the Taupo eruption covered a vast area in volcanic ash and pumice….including this mound of stone. There have been lots of cover ups in NZ about other walls, grave sites etc….bulldozed over and buried forever.

The Kaimanawa wall is indisputably a megalithic wall and NOT a natural formation – as falsely declared so by some NZ “archaeologist – in this short MUST WATCH documentary. The pride & brazenness of these academics is offensive as well as tragic, as they stifle the discourse and prevent openness and true historical research.

At one time New Zealand was still a pretty open society in the past and even a bit rebellious towards the greater powers that their prime minister – David Lange – would not even allow nuclear ships to enter their ports. Rumours have it that he was even threatened by Heinz Kissinger & the US with death if he didn’t shape up or ship out. NZ media are also grossly controlled and many might never have heard these kind of things. Lange once said, “Will the United States pull the rug on New Zealand? The answer is no. They might polish the lino a bit harder and hope that I execute a rather unseemly glide across it.”

Western nations governments – even those in the East like NZ & Australia – have been steadily infiltrated and hijacked by Marxist, Naturalist, Materialist, Secular Humanist, Marxist powers and refuse to let go of their Darwinian paradigm to acknowledge the worldwide megalith builders in all corners of the world, Why? Because they would have had to cross oceans, and acc. to their stubborn dogma early man was “too stupid” to do so.

And thus the cocksure “official” Darwinian archaeologist in this short documentary declares that this megalithic wall is s mere “natural formation” which it is not, but one can’t fight city-hall anymore these days. The verdict is in the iron grip of dictatorial totalitarian forces who declare that the debate is over and there is a “consensus” and the New Zealand government studiously ignores this amazing relic of true history thousands of years BC (before Christ) the first inhabitants of the islands down there, as even the local Maori confessed, that they lived there before them!

Ladies & gentlemen we need to get used to the idea that Western Civilisation is being destroyed systematically by these Dark Powers that are freezing the world into a block of ice by hook and by crook. Truth is getting scarcer and scarcer force out of the official paradigm, out of the libraries, out of he media, off from the internet, and soon these anti-truthers will get  scarier and scarier even to the point of suppressing truth by force and with violence and capital punishment.  The Soviet union was merely a trial run for the greatest dystopia that is on the horizon. Brace your self with the meekness overcoming faith, endurance, and love of our great example Yeshua of Nazareth, and work to spread truth while it is yet day, because the Night is falling when NO man can work.

Comment under the video…
Bro Tang (2 years ago)
well I went and had a dig, people are slowly exposing more and more, the tree roots make digging hard. I also found another wall nearby. following my gut I wandered off into the scrub and found another two slabs joined the same way and of the same stone. 5mins with a stick and uncovered an inscription that I’m going to cross reference over some known languages. its very strange like an multi spear headed Celtic eye of Horus. it was under a few inches of dirt and invisible until I started scratching the dirt out of the grooves. each intersecting line is curved and deliberate to for a pattern and the way it was when I uncovered it nobody has ever seen it except for whoever carved it. I’ll be going back soon and having a good dig around. this spot I don’t think anybody has ever even noticed it before. from what I’ve learnt I thought to look nth, sth, east and west of the wall as if it was an ancient structure they all seem to be built in that fashion. that investigation the govt did was pointless. the real proof ain’t even at the wall!

Here are some more megaliths in the pacific in Japan, Korea, Indonesia, and other places. These megalith builders traveled ALL over the world, contrary to Darwinism.

In Two Weeks, “Mathematical Challenges” to Darwin Gets Half a Million Views

ANCIENT PATRIARCHS EDITOR: If it wasn’t for the continuous, voluminous, massive stream of highly illustrated propaganda, daily emanating from the official mainstream TV, Hollywood, Magazines, internet media, academia, Wikipedia spouts, and most scholastic institutes, Yes, they are all in on it. Darwinism would have died a very long time ago. In spite of the few important Darwinian apostates like Dr. Gelernter Darwinism is still very alive in the minds of the uninformed who are gullible enough to fall for the official paradigm. And precisely that shows that this entire flooding of the minds of the masses is totally un-natural. Of course we knew that already for a long time not only about Biology, but about many other fields in Science, Politics, and especially finances. But lets not digress. Mankind is perhaps not “brainwashed” which would exclude free will, but they are definitely not well informed — on purpose — and you don’t need a aluminum hat to come to such a true conclusion. Truth is… the majority of Humanity is flooded by lies. and that is the reason why things are not getting better but worse, as a network of lies fabricate slavery and prisoners, where as the TRUTH does set us free! Are you? ENJOY THE VIDEO!

David Klinghoffer | @d_klinghoffer  August 9, 2019, 12:00 PM

In Florence, Italy, back in June, Stephen Meyer, David Gelernter, and David Berlinski got together with Peter Robinson of the Hoover Institution to talk about “Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.” The episode of Hoover’s interview series, Uncommon Knowledge, has been up now for a little over two weeks and has already amassed more than half a million views on YouTube. Actually, the precise number is 522,800, since July 22. Not bad!

The occasion for their conversation, a delightful hour in length, is Gelernter’s recent essay in The Claremont Review of Books explaining his apostasy from Darwinism. The renowned Yale computer scientist and polymath attributes his change of mind to reading books by Meyer (Darwin’s Doubt, Signature in the Cell) and Berlinski (The Deniable Darwin).

This is a great and quite funny interaction among vivid personalities and profound scientific and humanistic thinkers. As I’ve pointed out already, the interest lies not only in Dr. Gelernter’s personal journey toward evolution skepticism but in his testimony about how Darwinism is enforced among scientists and scholars in American universities.

“You take your life in your hands to challenge it intellectually,” says Professor Gelernter, who ought to know. “They will destroy you if you challenge it.” As our friend Denyse O’Leary notes, this comes from someone who has survived not just life in academia, but a terror attack directed at him personally, by the Unabomber, that cost him the use of a hand and an eye. When someone with that background tells you Darwinists will “destroy you” for criticizing their theory, or they’ll try to do so, I’d take that seriously.

If you missed it, see also Robinson and Berlinski in an outstanding one-on-one discussion about The Deniable Darwin.

Correction: Ha, in the time it took me to write this post, another 500+ people watched Robinson, Meyer, Gelernter, and Berlinski. The number of views now stands at 523,314.



Whatever Happened to Father Crespi’s Collection? Robbed & Disposed off by Quackademics

J. Golden Barton gives his account of visiting father Crespi in Ecuador, and of all the fascinating ancient artifacts he was able to see and photograph. (This was given at the Ancient Historical Research Foundation symposium held a BYU on 5-25-05 http://www.ahrfoundation.com0 Interesting video. I suggest to increase the Speed Setting to 1.25 or 1.50 as this man speaks incredibly slow. Fascinating presentation of Crespi’s Collection before it was stolen, pilfered, melted down, locked away, banned, and bought by the PTSB (Powers That SHouldn’t Be) because it contradicts their fowl global Darwinian deception! Shame on the quackademics!

It shows how small South American regimes/governments are easily bowled over by powerful Western regimes and Darwinian quackademic powers to hand over any treasures that do NOT support the Darwinian official line. You can almost hardly blame them. Perhaps they were even threatened.

Hope and pray that the elongated skulls from Paracas in Peru are safe, but don’t hold your breath, like the giant skeletons from Catalina Island were purged by the fascist Quackademic powers from the museum there. ALL we have left are a few photographs that remain of them. Just like the giant mound culture skeletons gathered, confiscated, spirited away, and probably destroyed by the Smithsonian repressors of true history, only documented in old grainy photos and century old newspaper clipping photographs. People wake up and spread the news while we still can. MUST WATCH! (and be mature & don’t stumble over a Mormon setting BYU) Continue reading Whatever Happened to Father Crespi’s Collection? Robbed & Disposed off by Quackademics

VDO deleted & updated – Forbidden Proof of Phoenician Ships Leaving the Coast & Crossing Atlantic?

DISCOVERED in 1999, Israel forbade the recovery of an old Phoenician ship wreck although they were outside of their territorial waters, but then the law changed and then acc. to the US State Department it was in Egyptian territorial waters and they said that Egypt would forbid the access & recovery of the ship for “Egyptian security reasons” Sure!!! See how important this is to hijacked Academia?

First the Israelis, then the Egyptians got the warning from the Intl. Darwinian Academics to make the recovery of the ship impossible. I don’t believe it has anything to do with politics or territorial waters, but it is all about proof of Phoenicians leaving the coasts for over 30 miles which is contrary to the “official academic policy” that the Phoenicians never left sight of the coast, and therefore “NEVER crossed the Atlantic Ocean.” Ha! You can’t fight city hall!

For more suppression of true history, read our other articles here on site. MUST WATCH VIDEO!  UPDATE: Sorry! The video got deleted a few days after posting it here. I WONDER WHY!!?? Keep reading though….

Continue reading VDO deleted & updated – Forbidden Proof of Phoenician Ships Leaving the Coast & Crossing Atlantic?

A ***guided Try to Re-Discover Suppressed True History? Remains to be Seen

I had seen the second part of this video below, before, which at the time came across to me as a bit of glorification of the Scythians/Scyths/Sacae/ -those tribes North of the Black Sea and Caucasus, and of their advanced iron- and gold metallurgy, and culture. Asha Logos’, the video creator’s effort appeared to be to shine a more favorable light on their historic achievements which are not greatly or favorably documented by their enemies to the South like the Greeks, and they left no written history behind themselves.

Please know that I am trying to be mild in my treatment of the video below, as it is a sympathetic effort, and right up my alley of exposing academic corruption and suppression of history. If I did not like it I would not have posted it. But I have a few things to add to the narrative presented in it.

Most of what was known of Scythian history came from the accounts by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who visited their territory, but in more recent times we learned more about them by Russians excavating burial mounds in Tyva and Kazakhstan.

The video below IMHO does carry a whiff of white nostalgia, to put it mildly, even though the creator says (paraphrased:) to please not think that he is glorifying the Indo-European race. So, why say it? I guess in light of the Marxist ploy to cut down Europeans to the level of the rest of the world so that they will fit better in the coming NWO dystopia of the WHITE rich control freaks? Ha, the irony. Continue reading A ***guided Try to Re-Discover Suppressed True History? Remains to be Seen