Tag Archives: Dragons

Dinosaurs and Humans Coexisted: They lived together, they didn’t die 65 millions years ago

Dinosaurs and Humans lived together in pre-Flood times, and both survived the flood around the world on Noah’s Ark. There has been a lie told since the first bones of a Dinosaur were discovered, and it has to do with a New World Order Agenda. But Dragons have always lived with Man and ALL over the World. Enjoy this documentary.

Sauropod Dinosaurs Are Described in the Book of Job (Bible)

Job chapter 40 describes “Behemoth” the chief of all of God’s creative works. Could Behemoth be a sauropod dinosaur? This is a very well done video with lots of interesting graphics and logic. Very interesting. Not too religious either, though creationist. MUST WATCH!

The next video is secular history or genesis of Quackademia Continue reading Sauropod Dinosaurs Are Described in the Book of Job (Bible)

Frank Sicilia ATTACKED by Pterosaur in PA Courtesy: Brenton Sawin Mysteries

This eye witness Frank Sicilia gives a very sincere report how he was actually attacked by a pterosaur creature. Must watch. If the video doesn’t work, go straight to the Real.video link here. By the way we also have a channel there HERE!


If you like to know more about a flying dino in 1864 in Vicksburg during the civil war, watch our own video below: “The Pterosaur Photo NO One Is Alloweded to See.. As it REALLY is!”


‘A Tale of Two photos.’ One, an epic true sepia shot of a freshly downed Pteranodon in 1864 Vicksburg Virginia during the Civil War. The other, a 1999 newfangled imitation faking to be the original, a propaganda hit piece straw-man created by the usual culprits, truth hating fake news mainstream media, in order to obfuscate the reality of a recent living flying dinosaur that could potentially wake up deceived masses out of a widely established official (qu)academic 65 million years deception.


This stunning discovery by a published scientist of over 30 years would be the envy of most professional paleontologists and the pride of any university associated with it … except for one problem. What he found is an inconvenient truth for the evolution theory.

World Net Daily reported recently that a team of attorneys is jumping to the defense of a scientist who was fired after making the stunning discovery of soft tissue attached to a triceratops skeleton. Continue reading SCIENTIST FIRED FOR DINOSAUR DISCOVERY

Small Dinosaur Corpse Found in India Safely Secured by Darwinians Into Forgetfulness

It only RESEMBLED a Dinosaur, of course!

If they would only find live blood in Dino’s nose horn, or discover that Dino remains score less than 40.000 years in Radio Carbon tests, or get an undocumented report of a fleeing live dinosaur, it is easy to obfuscate such Oopart news, but when Indian media  carelessly reports the find of a small dinosaur CORPSE with video and photos, then of course the Western Mainstream Media have to quickly neutralise such news as well as the find.

So they farm the further dino “research” out to some New Delhi Indian East Anglia alumni professor – who safely believes in CO2 caused Global Warming Climate Change and is eagerly awaiting his treasured PhD – thus the find is handled as a limited hang out and will never be heard of again, just as the giant skeletons were safely secured by the Smithsonians over a hundred years ago.

This is the way that worldwide controlled (qu)academia deals  with embarrassing politically IN-correct NON-Darwinian facts and finds that would upset the solid faith of the hoodwinked gullible global public in the 65 million year old false dinosaur genesis they have so thoroughly brainwashed with, lo these last 150 years.

It  is all designed to keep the ignorant masses from becoming independent thinkers that would constitute a danger to globalist collectivist, atheist, Marxist conditioning of the naive well propagandised crowd of ignorant students and sheeple, or goatle rather.

Rest assured Darwinism is secure and safe as the controlling paradigm of the state. Continue reading Small Dinosaur Corpse Found in India Safely Secured by Darwinians Into Forgetfulness

New Research: Dinosaur bones only tens of thousands years old, not millions!

Well, the REAL research results are in, and guess what, it’s of course studiously ignored by mainstream ‘historians’, ‘biologists’, and media naturally!  Empirical research from the ‘Georgia Center of Applied Isotope Studies’ on the collagen breakdown of dinosaur bones has come to the (for us not so) startling conclusion that dinosaurs are only at the most some tens of thousands years old, not millions.

Wasn’t the “65 million yr. old extinction” of the ‘dinos’ – for 5 millennia called dragons! – the first building block of Darwinian morphology of species, as promoted in the 18 hundreds by English banker scion John Lubbock?  Well it seems, metaphorically speaking, that this “rusted  T-Ford” of supposed “Macro-Evolution” on which all later ‘evolutionary models’ were based ostensibly, appears to still stand around,  in an old weed-overgrown garage from the roaring twenties, rather than in some mythical prehistory that never existed.

Continue reading New Research: Dinosaur bones only tens of thousands years old, not millions!

UPDATED! What’s The Cover Up About Antarctica? Not jumping to conclusions!

Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised that they did find something there under that Antarctic ice cover. Look at the pyramid above. All these famous guys going down there, obviously to see some amazing sights, the secret big issue, because obviously they are not going to let us in on it, if ever. But John Kerry, Putin, patriarch Krill, Buzz Aldrin, and some other guys, just couldn’t control their curiosity and just had to get their passes to get their asses down there to behold the spectacle.

Sure, it may just be a former U-boat base or a German UFO base of under the ice, the old Schwaben Land, but who knows, maybe it is more mundane then that! As I am very interested in all the historical cover-ups and forbidden archaeology, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit that they found stuff that is not good for mass consumption, because it would defy the dumb fake theory of Darwinism? Because that is what all the historical cover-ups are all about, to protect the “theory of evolution!” Continue reading UPDATED! What’s The Cover Up About Antarctica? Not jumping to conclusions!

Could the “Mythological” Tarasque Have Been A Living Ankylosaurid Dinosaur?

By Lu Paradise – June 23, 2010

The earliest Life of St Martha was written in Latin at some time between 1187 and 1212. One episode tells how, soon after coming to Tarascon, she heard that people there were terrorised by ‘a huge dragon, part land animal and part fish’ which lived in a forest beside the Rhône and had killed many people passing the spot or crossing the river. Attempts to destroy it always failed, since it would hide underwater. The description of the monster is vivid and detailed, and by no means that of a conventional dragon:

For More on this legend (not myth!) from Tarascon in France and the Tarasque beast see the article at the end.


Photo: Phot Blanchin, Tarascon circa 1900 Continue reading Could the “Mythological” Tarasque Have Been A Living Ankylosaurid Dinosaur?

Dragon Evidence Found in Romanian mountain cave & proof of cover up plus FAKES in museums to discredit!

darwinianmindscrewAmazing Dragon Evidence: Found in Romanian Mountain Cave & Proof of Cover Up. Is there a conspiracy to cover up dragons and giants? If the data don’t fit the Evolutionary Darwinian narrative, it has to be suppressed and it DOES get suppressed! There are even produced gate-keeping fake websites that Google refers to on its first pages with fake dragon or giants’ information! If gullible truthseekers believe the obviously fake sites like Snopes & Worldnewsdailyreport, they will be taken for a ride. OUR true pages of Ancientpatriarchs you won’t see on the first search engines’ page.
VIDEO MUST WATCH! (NB: I don’t necessarily support all the videos of this channel as I haven’t watched them all)googlesearchsmithsoniangiants Continue reading Dragon Evidence Found in Romanian mountain cave & proof of cover up plus FAKES in museums to discredit!

Latest Most Convincing Photo of Nessie the Plesiosaur of Loch Ness



Latest Plesiosaur Dragon Sighting in Loch Ness – Science Needs Overhaul!


THAT IS NESSIE, if I ever saw her! But even if Nessie the Lake dragon stares people in the face, the Mainstream Media will always have to maintain a doubtful tone in their reporting, otherwise their elite propaganda bosses will get upset.  And so they say, “It might be three sea lions swimming in line.” Sure! Three sea lions doing a lake dance sticking out and arching up their backs at the same time in unison. Wow great journalism, Scotsman! Pullitzer Prize material! Continue reading Latest Most Convincing Photo of Nessie the Plesiosaur of Loch Ness