Tag Archives: geology

The Receding Floodwaters: Evidence for Noah’s Flood – Michael Oard

Geological evidences for the erosion of the First Earth destroyed by a 4500 years ago Global Flood. Presented by Michael Oard. If English is a little difficult for you, click on the CC button and the spoken text will become visible as subtitle. Not perfect though. Enjoy! Perfect for geologists.



SOLID PROOF why Earth could ONLY have suffered one catastrophic Flood in antiquity! A non-religious logical explanation!

by Lu Paradise • February 14, 2014 •


A non-religious, rational, logical, point-by-point explanation why Earth could ONLY have suffered one huge water-driven Flood catastrophe in fairly recent ancient history. Proof that Neo- Darwinism is pseudo-science to destroy & obfuscate our true ancient history & heritage! — A MUST READ!

In order to propagate and implant a different worldview, the true Ancient History of Man was willfully destroyed by powerful dis-informants promoting a way-too-old narrative based on politically motivated false theory construing non-events proven” by corrupt dating-methods. For example, see how they got it wrong in the following radiometric datings:
Continue reading SOLID PROOF why Earth could ONLY have suffered one catastrophic Flood in antiquity! A non-religious logical explanation!

Geological Time-Scale Empirically Proven Way Too Old! Stratigraphy Paper Falsifies Theory!

by Lu Paradise • May 18, 2014 • 0 Comments — 44 views

PP Editor: This research CONFIRMED by Hydraulics Dept Colorado State University’s experiment, confirms our article on geological strata: ‘Where did all that rock come from?


Analysis of Main Principles of Stratigraphy on Basis of Experimental Data Disproves Long Geological Time-Scale


Photo: Guy Berthault, the author is a graduate of The Ecole Polytechnique, France, and a member of the International Association of Sedimentologists and lives in Paris, France.
Article: Analysis of the Main Principles of Stratigraphy on the Basis of Experimental Data
A New Approach : Paleohydraulic Analysis by Guy Berthault.

“When I started my experiments on strata formation I was surprised to find how little work had been done on the subject in the past. Of course, sediments had been examined and flume experiments performed in connection with building and other projects, but none with the object of explaining the mechanics of stratification.”

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The Geological Strata Mystery: “Where Did All That Rock Come From?”

by Lu Paradise • April 26, 2010 • 20 Comments  •  4,333 views


Global 2 KM deep rock strata! An unexplained enigma!

When I looked at this picture above, at the multiple rock strata of the 2 km deep gouge into the Colorado plateau of the Grand Canyon, something suddenly struck me. I began to wonder how all these thick layers of rock were ever laid? At first I only wondered, “How did the geological strata come into existence?” But when it suddenly dawned on me that these strata are not just down in the Grand Canyon, but that there are mile-deep strata existent below our feet worldwide under every continent, I had an epiphany! Where on earth did all that mile (1.6 Km) deep rock come from? Where did it originate? Did it fall from space? From other planets? Was it dug from the holes the oceans are in? Or what?! It must have come from somewhere! But from where?”

Continue reading The Geological Strata Mystery: “Where Did All That Rock Come From?”

Why & How Did Earth’s Pangaea’s Crust Crack! An Ancient Mystery Solved?

by Lu Paradise • December 28, 2012 •

The early Earth, we can safely assume, did not start out cracked like this egg from its pristine beginnings.


Scientists now agree that the early Earth featured just one original continent named ‘Pangaea’, reminiscent of Chinese history’s ‘Panku.’ Historians and geologists have no clue what actually hit the Earth’s crust, or how the upper layer of 8 km thick oceanic crust and 35-60 km continental crust got cracked, nor why its fragments or plates then began to drift apart from each other, other than labeling it ‘plate tectonics & subduction’. That’s about as good an explanation as blaming “why there are murders” on “violence.” It does not explain what cracked ‘Pangaea’ in the first place, which would also indicate the real cause of why the continents drifted apart!

This article aims to try to solve this foundational mystery: “Why and how did Pangaea’s crust crack!”

Continue reading Why & How Did Earth’s Pangaea’s Crust Crack! An Ancient Mystery Solved?