Nephalim & Anakim Longneck Skulls From Paracas Peru DNA Tested – Press Conference Feb 2018

On February 2, 2018, LA Marzulli and a team of researchers will present their work on investigating the Paracas skulls and their alleged royalty who were considered gods. Included in the presser will be the results of DNA tests done on over 30 of these Paracas skulls. Marzulli maintains that it does not rule out their hypothesis, which is that the tribes that were driven out from the promised land back in the OT days, migrated to the America’s.

But the official tax-supported, heavily promoted and propagandised state paradigm of Darwinism, forbids official (qu)academic research into this subject, because this would blow this Darwin joke right out of the water, as an increasing group of real scientists – even those without a religious agenda like David Berlinski – who are tired of this boring sacro-sanct state propaganda. How about you? Are you smelling the supernatural coffee already? Or are you holding onto an outdated paradigm, out of resistance.


The Receding Floodwaters: Evidence for Noah’s Flood – Michael Oard

Geological evidences for the erosion of the First Earth destroyed by a 4500 years ago Global Flood. Presented by Michael Oard. If English is a little difficult for you, click on the CC button and the spoken text will become visible as subtitle. Not perfect though. Enjoy! Perfect for geologists.



Darwinist Russia Today RT Belittles True Ancient History in Anti-Noah Hit Piece

Some lightweight liberal Marxist at Russia Today exhausted his literary prowess on yet another ‘tongue in cheek’ hit piece to ridicule the proven historicity of the ancient 2345 3000 BC Global Flood and its universally recognised Eight Survivors. This time “Noah used his cell phone to call one of his three sons aboard” and other such inane nonsense.

According to this scientifically challenged writer “The story of Noah’s Ark has been the subject of scrutiny and conspiracy theories for decades.”

IF the historical Global Flood – attested to by more than 700 global ethnic legends and providing the only sensible explanation of the mysterious ubiquitous 2 KM deep fossil-studded layers below our feet – had indeed been treated with scientific scrutiny, it certainly was not done by this inane writer. Read it for yourself! Continue reading Darwinist Russia Today RT Belittles True Ancient History in Anti-Noah Hit Piece

Kandahar Giant Is Covered Up Because It Denies Darwinism & Confirms Genesis’ Historicity

This happened to US marines around 2002 and they were forced to sign a contract of non disclosure by the US authorities. Can you imagine that governments suppress real history? If you are a run of the mill fake media follower, it all sounds unreal and as a hoax. But people who look deeper and who have no Darwinian agenda for financial reasons, they will reject this narrative. Soldiers don’t go for bullshit normally, and there are too many military witnesses who have come out telling the truth. I am not promoting the books of Marzulli and Quayle, I am supporting historical truth, nothing more and nothing less. Spread this. Make this viral! And WATCH!

Watch more about the Cataline Island Giants…  The archaeological trove has been spirited away.. again… by the Smithsonians, and of course were never heard of again. “Scientific” censorship. Continue reading Kandahar Giant Is Covered Up Because It Denies Darwinism & Confirms Genesis’ Historicity