The discovery of an amazing ship-shape anomaly & its cover-up! Is it Noah’s Ark?

November 1, 2010 | By Lu Paradise — 1394 total views


A remarkable anomaly was discovered on this Earth. A strange, man-made-like ship-shape with a sharp bow and rounded stern, plus other archaeological artifacts obviously related to it, are all situated at the very same geographic spot, with related ancient place names, but to top it all off, there exists related documentation in hundreds of historical annals, ancient legends, local lore, even evidenced on ancient cuneiform tablets.

Fascinating? durupinar-anomalyYou choose the word! More than fascinating! We find no words to describe this amazing discovery, which strangely enough is fully and studiously ignored by–who else but–the global mainstream media.

Well, most of us bloggers are hardly surprised by that, as millions have now turned to the blogs for news and true info. A Gallup poll showed how 57 % of Americans have “little or no trust anymore in the mainstream media”, an attitude that seems to be reflected worldwide.

An additional, comical poll-result was, that the most gullible sections among the US public who still trust the media, appear to be “the youth and liberals“, or “leftists” as we call them in the rest of the world. Of course we can forgive young people for being rather ignorant, as they just didn’t have the time yet, nor experience to form a well-balanced and historically just viewpoint, being raised on Micky Mouse, Sponge Bob, Simpsons, Disney, CNN, Fox, Yahoo, and Wikipedia! Ha! The humanity? Ay, ay, ay! But lets not digress…  Back to the amazing anomaly! Continue reading The discovery of an amazing ship-shape anomaly & its cover-up! Is it Noah’s Ark?

Every Nation & Culture Has a Deluge Legend! (But it’s still a flood Myth of course :-)

June 10, 2012 |  By Lu Paradise — 327 total views



Native global flood stories are documented as history or legend in almost every region on earth. Old world missionaries reported their amazement at finding remote tribes already possessing legends with tremendous similarities to the Bible’s accounts of the worldwide flood. H.S. Bellamy in Moons, Myths and Men estimates that there are altogether over 500 Flood legends worldwide. Ancient civilizations such as China, Babylonia, Wales, Russia, India, America, Hawaii, Scandinavia, Sumatra, Peru, and Polynesia, all have their own versions of a giant flood.

These flood tales are frequently linked by common elements that parallel the Biblical account including the warning of the coming flood, the construction of a boat in advance, the storage of animals, the inclusion of family, and the release of birds to determine if the water level had subsided. The overwhelming consistency among flood legends found in distant parts of the globe indicates they were derived from the same origin (the Bible’s record), but oral transmission has changed the details through time. Continue reading Every Nation & Culture Has a Deluge Legend! (But it’s still a flood Myth of course 🙂

Ancient Greeks knew ALL about Eden, Fall, Flood before Genesis was known and mentioned them ALL in their mythology!

by Lu Paradise” • July 12, 2013  •  541 views


I don’t advertise books, but I unashamedly promote the results of the fantastic research and analysis of Mr. Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr., because the man single-handedly and successfully cracked the Greek Mythology Code. (I haven’t even read it, only his website!) But other so-called experts of yore on Greek mythology, compared to him, were amateurs describing puzzling phenomena with expensive words because they didn’t understand them. Continue reading Ancient Greeks knew ALL about Eden, Fall, Flood before Genesis was known and mentioned them ALL in their mythology!

300-Ml-year-Old High-Tech Pre-Flood Tooth Wheel Found in 4.500 Year Old Russian Coal Blamed on UFO?

January 25, 2013 By Lu Paradise — 158 total views

As recently reported by ‘The Voice of Russia’, a high-tech 98 % aluminum 2 % magnesium tooth wheel was discovered in a “300 million year old” coal layer. Because this is quite impossible in terms of Evolution that forbids coal forming within human history, “scientists” weaseled themselves out of the dilemma by calling it–get ready for this one! — a UFO tooth wheel! Hilarious! They rather turn themselves into prating fools than to suffer shame for disloyalty to the imposed watchword of the pernicious paradigm that has paralysed true science ever-since its sorry conception 150 years ago.
Here’s a screen shot of the recent article:


This is the most comical piece of Neo-Darwinist cover-up I ever saw since Richard Dawkins started to make room for the notion that “Human Evolution” may actually have been started OFF-planet by Aliens, thus conveniently relocating the problem of non-existent beneficial mutations to impossible-to-verify Outer Space! A rather sneaky way of dealing with this untenable theory!

This fancy tooth wheel is yet another ragingly spectacular find in a series of OOPARTS (Out of place artifacts) discovered in the rock- and coal-layers below our feet which, according to the theory of Evolution, are purportedly hundreds of million years old!

Mainstream Media and Academia were not bought to allow departure from the politically correct yet false paradigm, but rather to promote it, and thus have to come up with such a preposterous notion that the tooth-wheel must have belonged to a 300 million year old U-F-O!

Doesn’t that crack you up! Can you believe it? Well, sad to say, billions of bamboozled specimens of our human race actually do believe such junk science, because they are just as hopelessly brainwashed by Neo-Darwinism as these Russian “experts.” Of course…

“Once upon an eon…to be precise 312 million years ago… a UFO from a far away alien star system on a haphazard visit to Earth, crashed and exploded in the hostile atmosphere of Earth scattering a tooth wheel into the wildly vegetated swamps growing along the primordial lake, which then amazingly enough happened to be immediately covered by the ash of a volcanic explosion at that very moment,[otherwise no fossilisation!] which instantly buried and compacted 200 M. plant-matter into 2 M. coal!

Voila! That is what surely happened! Continue reading 300-Ml-year-Old High-Tech Pre-Flood Tooth Wheel Found in 4.500 Year Old Russian Coal Blamed on UFO?

Who Were Those Canaanite Phoenicians?

by Lu Paradise • July 5, 2014 •  22 views

Poseidon_sculpture_Copenhagen_2005“God” Poseidon was actually Sidon, the son of Canaan, son of Ham, son of Noah!

Did you know?

  • Western/Latin and other alphabets come from the Phoenician alphabet?
  • Beritus or Berytus (modern Beirut, Lebanon) had a very important School of Law in the Roman Empire?
  • The Bible is called thus because it refers to the Phoenician city of Byblos (“marketplace of papyrus or byblinos” in Greek?
    PHOENICIAN Alphabet
  • Continue reading Who Were Those Canaanite Phoenicians?

Geological Time-Scale Empirically Proven Way Too Old! Stratigraphy Paper Falsifies Theory!

by Lu Paradise • May 18, 2014 • 0 Comments — 44 views

PP Editor: This research CONFIRMED by Hydraulics Dept Colorado State University’s experiment, confirms our article on geological strata: ‘Where did all that rock come from?


Analysis of Main Principles of Stratigraphy on Basis of Experimental Data Disproves Long Geological Time-Scale


Photo: Guy Berthault, the author is a graduate of The Ecole Polytechnique, France, and a member of the International Association of Sedimentologists and lives in Paris, France.
Article: Analysis of the Main Principles of Stratigraphy on the Basis of Experimental Data
A New Approach : Paleohydraulic Analysis by Guy Berthault.

“When I started my experiments on strata formation I was surprised to find how little work had been done on the subject in the past. Of course, sediments had been examined and flume experiments performed in connection with building and other projects, but none with the object of explaining the mechanics of stratification.”

Continue reading Geological Time-Scale Empirically Proven Way Too Old! Stratigraphy Paper Falsifies Theory!

King Arthur was British/ Welsh! History Systematically Suppressed Hijacked by UK Establishment & Academia!


Not only has Welsh (British) history BEFORE Caesar been covered up by London & (qu)academia, so has the fact that King Arthur came from S-E Wales! Richard Hall has extensively covered the work of Wilson and Blackett who found indisputable evidence of the resting place of King Arthur. In these MUST WATCH videos, he presents 5 more experts (one from Cardiff University), and all agree, King Arthur (King of Glamorgan!) was not from Badon, Castle Killibury, Glastonbury, South Cadbury, or Chester, but factually rests in Wales and lived in the 6th century. This fact is covered up to squelch Welsh identity & British nationalism! Why? Because Family, Nation, & Religion do not support the ‘New World Order’s’ designs for One World Government! Welsh history also happens to support Noah & the Flood, and thus Christianity, and therefore by definition also disqualifies and falsifies Darwinism! Forbidden history! It means that Welsh history is just as old as much touted 4-5000 year long Chinese History & culture! In fact almost every nation in this world has as long a history!  [Below: The Arthur Stone]
Continue reading King Arthur was British/ Welsh! History Systematically Suppressed Hijacked by UK Establishment & Academia!

Bronze Age ice melt rise of Sea level submerged port cities & shrunk Earth’s landmass

January 14, 2012 • 3 Comments  •  3,523 views

Submerged Ruins Atlantis

Author: James I. Nienhuis


Have you ever seen a map showing the bronze age port cities of the world?  You certainly have not, because the Darwinists will tell you that sea level at circa 2000 B.C. was little different than today, yet the presence of hundreds of submerged ruins’ sites from the Gulf of Chambay to Bimini, and from Cornwall to Nan Madol, certainly belie that notion, with most of the submerged ruins worldwide in the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic, right where you’d expect them to be, where Sidon, Peleg, Javan, Tarshish, and Atlas plied the waters, building their port facilities, now submerged since the end of the ice age. 
Here is a partial list of the submerged ruins worldwide, with pictures where available, to be soon updated as more photos will undoubtedly roll-in from interested “submergie” aficionados, so help out if you can, hard as it may be for a Darwinist to do, but certainly not for a soon-to-be ex-Darwinist, we shall see.

Continue reading Bronze Age ice melt rise of Sea level submerged port cities & shrunk Earth’s landmass

15 Sunken Submerged Bronze Age Cities in Pictures – Updated!

Lu  • October 1, 2014   •  907 views

WHY are there sunken Bronze Age megaliths, towns, ruins, roads, pillars, found all over the world under the ocean? Because around 1500-1400 BC the REAL Ice Age ended and there was a 125 meter (300 ft) rise in Ocean level, which once in recorded History submerged many coastlines plus its cities, streets, building, pillars, temples, along with it. Below you find many pictures of fifteen sunken locations. This map below shows the sunken coast lands that were once land, in red.


Continue reading 15 Sunken Submerged Bronze Age Cities in Pictures – Updated!

The Egyptian Sphinx Erosion & Dating Mystery

sphinxPyramidYou’ve probably heard of “the Egyptian Sphinx mystery”? And I’m going to share with you some fascinating secrets about its true age. So how old is the Sphinx – really?
On the plateau of Giza west of Cairo, Egypt, sits the Great Sphinx of Giza, a statue 240 feet long, with a lion’s body and a human head wearing the headdress of the Pharaohs.


It is surrounded by desert sand. But there’s evidence of erosion. Erosion by wind-borne sand? No. By WATER! The edges of the rock are rounded. And there are apparently deep fissures in the rock.

For THOUSANDS of years the Sphinx was in the sand up to its NECK! ± 1850 photo.

Continue reading The Egyptian Sphinx Erosion & Dating Mystery