Tag Archives: Jonathan Gray

Zoser’s Saqqara Step Pyramid Grain Bins of Imhotep Joseph True Historians Proving Genesis

I am not necessarily a close fan of H. Gruver, but he also proves the truthfulness of Ron Wyatt‘s archaeology. The discovery of the deep grain bins near the Saqqara Step Pyramid of Imhotep, who therefore is proven to be identical to the Biblical Joseph, son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, who became second in command under the Pharao (Zoser or Djozer) .  It once again proves the historicity of the Book of Genesis in the Tanakh, one of the Five Books written by Moses or also called the Pentateuch!

Extrapolating from that truth, why not accept and believe its entire truth which Jesus Christ also accepted, that Creation was very recent and not billions or even millions of years ago, but at the most less than 10.000 years ago. These following are some great videos.

PROBLEM: MANY Christians even STILL do NOT believe in Genesis as REAL TRUE history because they’re STILL brain-washed by Darwin’s untenable Evolutionist nonsense & “billions of years” (How about you?) (VIEW the long videos at 1.25 or even 1.5 HIGH SPEED)

THIS is historian Jonathan Gray’s video, confirming Ron Wyatt’s discovery of Joseph’s grain-bins & more.

For Ron Wyatt’s death-bed confession that he found the ARK OF THE COVENANT and SAW ANGELS & DISCOVERED & ANALYSED THE BLOOD OF JESUS, SEE OUR ARTICLE ON HIS DEATHBED CONFESSION HERE: https://ancientpatriarchs.wordpress.com/2016/02/21/ron-wyatts-deathbed-confession-of-finding-ark-of-the-covenant-its-guardian-angels/

IF we don’t care to consider these proofs of Bible accuracy.. we are without excuse if we continue to believe Darwin & his soul-damning LIE of humans descending from animals or other species, which genetically is impossible. For your notebook or desktop computer to get more faculties/capabilities, it needs more CODE or INFORMATION in the form of software, and often acquire more hardware even to make it capable.  Information does not just ‘fall from the sky’ in some undefined, empirically never proven, unknown non directed process that these 19th century Darwinian spinsters & rich atheist bankers just thought up and labeled this mirage or ‘Fatah Morgana’, this spurious figment of their imagination: “Evolution“.  Extra coded informtion has to be programmed by Intelligence and added to the genome. It doesn’t “just happen” any more than millions of monkeys typing for millions of years coming up with an Encyclopedia, or even average American teenage destroyers (a tautology), coming up with Marxist ideas on their own without Saul Alinsky or Dewy, let alone with Platonic or Socratean philosophy! It ain’t gonna happen. They have to be taught it! Added to their brains! (?)

Deep Corn Bins Built by Joseph also called Imhotep.

All the ancient patriarchs and ancient civilisations and tribes and nations ALL accepted CREATION & talked about the GLOBAL FLOOD disaster, whereas modern Marxist, atheist, post-modernist historians are all beholden to Darwinism, for that is where the filthy lucre and Book sales for these compromisers come from.

One more recent CLEAR video of Saqqara step pyramid

HOW MUCH historical truths are suppressed by the Antichrists! It is devastating for our Christian civilisation and cultures.

Migrations & Civilisations emanated as concentric circles from the Middle East

He couldn’t stop laughing, when he heard I was planning to plunge into the forbidden forests of the Amazon, my friend Andrew rocked with laughter. “I’ll give you three precious tips,” he smirked. “Never put out a fire with your face. Never sit down with a bucket of ants. And finally, don’t ever go skinny dipping in a pool full of piranhas!” Then he just rolled over and roared hysterically.

I was glad he was not coming with me. I was dead serious to fulfill a boyhood dream. At the age of ten, I had been captivated by the story of Percy Fawcett, the British explorer. Fawcett had gone deep into the trackless Amazon jungles and come upon the ruins of a dead stone city. Its massive walls and deserted houses were choked with trailing vines.

percyfawcettolmecTrees grew out of the windows. Except for the chatter of monkeys and choruses of birds, all was ghostly silent. Its guardians were savages who wielded blowpipes with poison darts. On a return voyage, Fawcett vanished. Continue reading Migrations & Civilisations emanated as concentric circles from the Middle East

The Egyptian Sphinx Erosion & Dating Mystery

sphinxPyramidYou’ve probably heard of “the Egyptian Sphinx mystery”? And I’m going to share with you some fascinating secrets about its true age. So how old is the Sphinx – really?
On the plateau of Giza west of Cairo, Egypt, sits the Great Sphinx of Giza, a statue 240 feet long, with a lion’s body and a human head wearing the headdress of the Pharaohs.


It is surrounded by desert sand. But there’s evidence of erosion. Erosion by wind-borne sand? No. By WATER! The edges of the rock are rounded. And there are apparently deep fissures in the rock.

For THOUSANDS of years the Sphinx was in the sand up to its NECK! ± 1850 photo.

Continue reading The Egyptian Sphinx Erosion & Dating Mystery