Tag Archives: Egypt

The True Timing of Moses in Egypt, the Exodus, & the Bronze Age Collapse

Before we can analyse the relationship between the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites and the Bronze Age Collapse, we have to be able to first drop the major academic lie that the Exodus is a “Pious Fiction“.

Well, guess what, that restoration of true Bible history was already deftly accomplished by David Rohl, who is the sharp knife who deciphered & proved without doubt the proper Egyptian timeline of the Exodus around 1450 BC at the end of the Middle Bronze Age & the end of the Middle Kingdom brought about  by the Hyksos who took over defenseless Egypt after Israel had left, because the true Exodus Pharaoh DudiMose‘s army.. lay drowned on the bottom of the Red Sea!

Without me pre-digesting this very detailed video, I challenge you to watch this 2 hour amazing presentation by … agnostic… David Rohl – which you can speed up to 1.5 in settings – made by Evangelical ‘Rood Awakening’ whose movie producer – by God’s grace – hardly interrupted Rohl’s magnificent academic presentation.

Rohl proves that Academia – as usual as we have proven in article after article here at Ancient Patriarchs – got it all wrong again; The timings of Joseph, the Famine, Sojourn, Moses, the Exodus, the destruction of Jericho by Joshua, and they also still to this day neglect to recognise the Stone of the Covenant Joshua set up in Migdol Shechem.

The Biblical Exodus… Fairytale or Historical Fact? by David Rohl

And, so, if the Exodus took place around 1450 BC, the destruction of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, etc. would then have happened around 1400 BC, that would be too early for the approximate dating of the Bronze Age Collapse around 1200 BC.

TRUE 1650 BC Exodus

The reason we say this, is because some are now trying to paint the Israelite invasion & destruction of Canaan as one major cause for the Bronze Age Collapse, in a futile effort to blame ALL the world’s misfortune on God & His ‘Chosen People’ of yore, because presumably would be the same people as are causing it today? But the present day so-called “Jews” are not the same Judaeans or let alone the Israelites of yesteryear, no matter how hard some of them are insisting that they are. It has long been proven that their Palestinian victims have more Judaean DNA in their genome than the Khazarian Turks from Southern Russia!

They insinuate that it is all God’s fault for permitting the old Israelites to charge interest – usury – on their neighbours, whereas God never by the wildest stretch of His imagination intended for them, let alone these unrelated Turks, to make it a worldwide policy of extortion today. Neither did God intend the extermination of Israel’s enemies then to become a blueprint for extermination today! God rather intended Israel then to be a  light to the nations and mainly to produce the Messiah, Yeshua! When they had the Romans kill him, they lost it all, their temple, country, status, everything.

To blame the Bronze Age Collapse (BAC) on the Israelites of yore, sounds like Anti-Goddism to me, for ultimately He would be responsible for it. It is a bit far sought IMHO, seeing that the Exodus and the 1200 BC BAC are separated by two centuries! Does it then look like he has a dog in this fight, blaming God for everything? Well it does seem to be the fashion these days. Let me put it this way, GOD is not responsible for what evil people do to others, especially since He came down in the human form & face of God called Jesus who taught us to “Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you!”

Now the detractors may say, “Well, so why did He do it to the Canaanites? Did He want them to exterminate Him?” ANSWER: The old wicked Canaanites that lived there had already tried to exterminate Him and His Love ever-since they settled down there in a land that was not theirs in the first place, for they persecuted righteous Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and kids, unreasonably stealing their very own dug wells with impunity, and even raping their daughter, etc. Not nice. But most of all some of them, especially the Amorites and the several Canaanite giant races were the wicked degenerate offspring of the Nephilim who are taking over the world now! God KNEW! But His very own nation let them into their midst and into their seed, before Nehemiah put a halt to that.. sad to say too late!

But mostly they exterminated God’s Love by their promotion of the  most wicked religion of that day – as well as today – the extermination of their own children in the fires for the glory of their wicked god Molech or Moloch, for whom the Italian government now has set up a statue in the Colosseum in Rome! Wicked! (Will they reap the same fate?)

Now, you could perhaps find fault with God, blaming all the world’s present evils on Him, allowing Adam & Eve to be tempted by the fruit of the ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’, but isn’t that a little bit far sought? Besides, if He had not allowed one temptation in that perfect Garden of Love, we would’ve been automatons without any Free Choice! And Anthony would not have written his article.

Sure the destruction of many of the Canaanites – not all because even Jesus had Simon the Canaanite as a disciple & even cured a Canaanite woman’s possessed daughter- sure left a vacuum in the land that Israel then filled up with their presence, but whether it caused the BAC? Hmm…

If you have read the other articles here on Ancient Patriarchs, you might have come across the most likely REAL reason for the BAC, namely some REAL Climate Change before the BAC, to be specific the lessening of the rains over North Africa and the Middle East, that caused droughts and famines, and inevitable relocations of the much smaller nations of those days, some 1800 years after the 3000 BC Flood.

The Flood had caused the REAL Ice Age to start by the heating up of the global oceans when the Fountains of the Earth sprang fault lines all over the globe, causing volcanic disasters ever-since. The rise in sea temperatures caused more evaporation of water causing abundant rains which turned into ice caps on land in the Northern hemisphere in Europe, Siberia, North America, etc., while making the Sahara green grazing lands for cows! By 1400 BC they had dried out though.

When the seas had cooled to present levels by 1500-1400 BC the ice caps melted and caused a 125 M. (300 ft.) global sea level rise, sinking Atlantis, Sunda land, Kumari Kandam, Dogger Land, and the Land of Mu here around Taiwan and the Pacific. See the red sunken areas below. And therefore the island people like the Atlanteans, Sundans, Mu-ans, Doggerlanders, etc. had to find new places to live. That’s why the Egyptians  named their attackers the “Sea Peoples”, a fact heavily suppressed by the Materialist Darwinian gatekeepers who prefer to deny Atlantis because ‘humans’ (homo sapiens sapiens!) were till to stupid to cross the oceans, so therefore there could not have been an Atlantis, and Poseidon’s (Sidon) and Neptune’s (Naptuhim Gen. 10) ..10 islands in the Atlantic (wonder why they named it the Atlantic? Hmm..) are of course called ‘myths’ by them. But why then are there identical megaliths across the oceans all over the world.. if they couldn’t cross them in first place?

Look in Our 200 Most Popular Articles!

But the Darwinian historians – if that’s what you can call them? – insist of course that their Ice Ages took place long before the Creation of the Universe some 10.-20. or even 80.000 years BP. (Before Present)

Why? Because they – as Materialists, Naturalists, Marxists, Atheists, etc. – despise and suppress true knowledge of the Flood, because it proves God’s existence via Noah’s foreknowledge of the coming of the Flood, by building an Ark, collecting animals and people to cause them to survive this Flood. How else did he know? And so they dismiss the over 700 global Flood legends and the similar names of Noah, Nu-ah, Nuewa (China), Nun, Nur, Nuh, Noe, Nu-Uh, Nut, Ouranuh or -Noh, etc.

Well, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020 everybody. I am not too sure though about a happy 2020! It might all crash this year, finally, and that won’t be a very happy time, but rather cause some bad extermination, but don’t blame it on the God of Love. He did His best, by coming down here and humbly dying on the cross for all of our wicked sins, child abuse, child murder, mayhem, wars, genocides, exterminations,  etc., that if we just accept His sacrificing Himself by asking Him to come live in our very own hearts, He will enter our lives and give us the free gift of Eternal Life with Him as His children in a much better Eternal Dimension called the Kingdom of Heaven! I hope I’ll see you there!

VDO deleted & updated – Forbidden Proof of Phoenician Ships Leaving the Coast & Crossing Atlantic?

DISCOVERED in 1999, Israel forbade the recovery of an old Phoenician ship wreck although they were outside of their territorial waters, but then the law changed and then acc. to the US State Department it was in Egyptian territorial waters and they said that Egypt would forbid the access & recovery of the ship for “Egyptian security reasons” Sure!!! See how important this is to hijacked Academia?

First the Israelis, then the Egyptians got the warning from the Intl. Darwinian Academics to make the recovery of the ship impossible. I don’t believe it has anything to do with politics or territorial waters, but it is all about proof of Phoenicians leaving the coasts for over 30 miles which is contrary to the “official academic policy” that the Phoenicians never left sight of the coast, and therefore “NEVER crossed the Atlantic Ocean.” Ha! You can’t fight city hall!

For more suppression of true history, read our other articles here on site. MUST WATCH VIDEO!  UPDATE: Sorry! The video got deleted a few days after posting it here. I WONDER WHY!!?? Keep reading though….

Continue reading VDO deleted & updated – Forbidden Proof of Phoenician Ships Leaving the Coast & Crossing Atlantic?

How BBC Deceives With Antichrist Lies About Champollion & Egypt

Courtesy Nathan Hoffmann

Here’s a clip from a BBC television mini-series called “Egypt” (episode 6) where they show an explorer from the early 1800’s, named Champollion, writing in his private diary that he found evidence that Egyptian history pre-dates Noah’s flood. The truth is, Champollion never made that claim at all. If you get his diary and read it for yourself, you’ll find that he was only claiming to have evidence that was embarrassing to the theories of his rival, Dr. Thomas Young. They used his quote completely out of context. (see page 188, paragraph 2, from “The Code Breaker’s Secret Diaries”) You can buy Champollion’s diary here: https://www.amazon.com/Code-breakers-…) Click here to see a scan of page 188 to read his quote in context: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3J7…

Watch the pernicious lying BBC do-cu clip here… as someone said, Fake News began YEARS ago. Continue reading How BBC Deceives With Antichrist Lies About Champollion & Egypt

Another Cover Up in Egypt – A short Shocking Video

This is the so-called “Unfinished Northern Pyramid of Zawyet El Aryan.” It doesn’t look like a pyramid at all, and is in fact in the shape of a parallelogram. Not only that, it is totally off limits by the Egyptian authorities, not only for tourists, but even for Egyptologists and archaeologists! Why!

Carved through solid bedrock more than 75ft (25 M.) down – the Egyptian government has chosen literally to cover-up this site… and with what and how will certainly upset you. Just how could the dynastic Egyptians possibly have done this jaw dropping structure?

We have no idea. But it is an amazing construction that should upset any Egyptologist. Where are the voices of protest? OR… did they find something in there that contradicts the favorite narratives of mainstream history?

It happened in France, where one so-called Caveman’s cave was closed to the public, ostensibly, because there were pictures of men with dinosaurs together! And, -as the enlightened ones among you already know – that just doesn’t fit the usual propaganda.  What are your thoughts on the subject?

The Occurrence of South American Cocaine in Egyptian Mummies New research provides strong evidence for a trans-Atlantic dispersal by humans

By Dominique Görlitz Technische Univerität Dresden, Institut für Kartographie, GermanyAlthough this thorough research article proving pre-Columbian contacts across the Atlantic is very much anchored in a Darwinian paradigm that prohibits that very contact, we have included it in our site, because it is such a great illustration how emipircal research is so handicapped by the prevailing Darwinian paradigm with all the reuslting terminology like “neo-lithic, paleo-lithic, stone age, holocene, pre-history, early Man, evolutionary function,” etc. The very essence of this research is Görlitz’ effort to rhyme “impossible” pre-Columbian cross-Atlantic travel with the biological evidence that the ancient Egyptians had access to South American Cocaine and even the insects that came with it!

In our very strong proven NON-Darwinian paradigm here in Ancient Patriarchs ancient cross-oceanic sea travel, is no problem whatsoever! It is A FACT supported by very strong evidence of the early Sea-kings, the deified Flood survivors and their offspring who navigated the entire globe, left megaliths everywhere, and like Atlas, early on trigonometrically geo-measured the Earth by the stars, as evidenced by the Giza pyramid in which the Earth’s dimensions were recorded already around 2200 BC.
But because the academic elite & authorities insist on maintaining the Darwinian status Quo and to propagandize the masses with this false unproven notion that species descended from other species over billions of years, all in order to promote and forcibly implant their materialistic ideology on the masses to deny the Creator, therefore good scientists like Dominique Görlitz, have to kowtow to this elite and their 150 year old paradigm, not only to survive as a scientist in their institutions, but also to gain any respect or opportunity to publish!
Regardless, Dominique has done amazing research which totally supports our persecuted, ridiculed, and maligned true NON– Darwinian take on the world”s history, with amazing facts, and we applaud his astuteness, honesty, and courage in daring to rock the outdated Darwinian paradigm boat! God bless you, Dominique Görlitz. Kudos! People, enjoy his PhD paper!


The Open-Access Journal for the Basic Principles of Diffusion Theory, Experiment and Application. The Occurrence of Cocaine in Egyptian Mummies – New research provides strong evidence for a trans-Atlantic dispersal by humans – Dominique Görlitz Technische Univerität Dresden, Institut für Kartographie, Germany (received 22 May 2016, accepted 29 June 2016) [AP: Bolds are ours]


One of the unsolved problems of modern science is whether the pre-Columbian peoples of the New World developed completely independently of cultural influences from the Old World or if there
was a trans-oceanic contact? A number of scientists agree that there are many – and often remarkable – similarities between the cultures of pre-Columbian America and those of the Mediterranean world. Nevertheless, there is no agreement, as yet, on how cultural diffusion can be differentiated from independent invention. Scientific analysis shows that scholarly positions are often strongly pre-formed from paradigms (scientific based assumptions), which tend to hinder consideration of solid scientific data offered by geo-biology and its trans-disciplinary examination of the subject under investigation here. 
An unambiguous answer to the question, what historical processes led to the emergence of the ancient American agriculture, hasn’t been given. However, the archaeological discovery of crops with clear trans-oceanic origin, in addition to advances in molecular biology, increasingly support the hypothesis that humans from the distant past influenced each other across the oceans at a much earlier stage. Continue reading The Occurrence of South American Cocaine in Egyptian Mummies New research provides strong evidence for a trans-Atlantic dispersal by humans

“The Eight” Flood Survivors in Global Deluge Legends A Shared Human Memory

A big percentage of the – by now – over 700 global Flood legends, mentioned exactly eight people who were spared and survived. It is uncanny that this number is handed down as fact so uniformly, instead of ten or five or some other random number.

EGYPT: In ancient Egypt one Flood hero was Toth who survived the Deluge along with his Seven Sages.

The Egyptian ‘Ogdoad (does the Latin word for 8 ‘octo’ from that?) were a group of eight survivors led by the main character Nun and his wife Naunet. Nun or Nu (Noah) is pictured in Egyptian art as upholding his boat with the seven other survivors here:

Continue reading “The Eight” Flood Survivors in Global Deluge Legends A Shared Human Memory

Two Megalithic Cities Submerged Off Alexandria Egypt so Where is Historical Account of Their Demise?

By James Nienhuis

niledeltaThe astounding submerged ruins of Menouthis and Heraklion on the submerged channel of the extinct branch of the Nile are little known to the public because those who could produce documentaries on it, such as National Geographic and Discovery, certainly know that there is no historical record of the submergence of those cities though the conventional wisdom is that they were submerged because of an earthquake sometime between circa 300 b. c. and 800 a. d.

Some say the ruins are of Canopus, but he was the navigator for the Greek Menelaus circa 1100 b. c. who came there about three hundred years after Menouthis and Heraklion had been consumed by the sea when the Ice Age ended.

Continue reading Two Megalithic Cities Submerged Off Alexandria Egypt so Where is Historical Account of Their Demise?

What Happened to Phut, brother of Misraim & Canaan?

nile-wikipedia-nc_puntBy James Nienhuis

One Quarter of Red Sea is Shallow for Submerged Ruins to Be Discovered on Seafloor Since 1500 B. C.

October 6th, 2016

Extremely deep is the middle stretch of the Red Sea, but 25% of its seafloor is less than 200 feet deep, so could hold submerged ruins of structures built perhaps by progeny of Kush or Joktan during the Ice Age, because the western kingdom of Kush was nearby the Red Sea’s western shore, and the Ethiopian church says south semitic speakers entered the region from Arabia circa 1900 b. c., their remnant the Tigre and Ge’ez speakers of Djibouti, Eritrea, and Ethiopia (named for Kush’s son Ityopis).

Continue reading What Happened to Phut, brother of Misraim & Canaan?

Were ‘Sea Peoples’ Invading Egypt from Atlantis? Due to Global Climate Change?

by Lu Paradise • May 8, 2015 • 0 Comments  •  24 views

Sea Peoples & Climate Change on Merneptah Stele!


Merneptah Stele Mentions: “Rain Clouds Vanishing Sun Appearing” Climate Change!

The “Sea People” still baffle historians. “Where did they come from, and where did they go when they vanished from the scene?” They have never been located by historians, yet one of the easiest answers of course is that they originally “came from the islands of the sea!” In other words, from the Tallassocracy, Atlantis that was submerged around that very time.

Evidence for the Sea Peoples is mainly textual and iconographic. Egyptian sources (especially at Medinet Habu; Papyrus Harris I) primarily dating to the reign of Merneptah (c. 1213-1203 B.C.) and Ramses III (c. 1184-1153 B.C.) speak about coalitions of islanders composed of peoples called Peleset, Sikila (Tjeker/Sikil), Sherden, Shekelesh, Weshesh, Aqwesh, Turesh, Lukka and Denyen, explicitly said to be ‘living on ships’ and having insular origins (Lunadusu letter found in Ugarit (RS 34.129).


Continue reading Were ‘Sea Peoples’ Invading Egypt from Atlantis? Due to Global Climate Change?

The True Age Of The Sphinx And Did The Earth’s Axis Tilt Violently in 2345 BC [Based on (FREE of charge!) Paradise Post research!]

by Jonathan Gray • January 2, 2014 • 0 Comments • 141 views

You’ve probably heard of “the Egyptian Sphinx mystery”? Jonathan Gray shares some fascinating secrets about its true age. So how old is the Sphinx – really? On the plateau of Giza west of Cairo, Egypt, sits the Great Sphinx of Giza, a statue 240 feet long, with a lion’s body and a human head wearing the headdress of the Pharaohs.


It is surrounded by desert sand. But there’s evidence of erosion. Erosion by wind-borne sand? No. By water! says Gray.

The edges of the rock are rounded. And there are apparently deep fissures in the rock.The impressions on the stones are not horizontal, as would be caused by sand and wind (like the pyramids in the area); instead, they are vertical.This suggests that the Sphinx has been subjected to heavy rainfall.

The erosion is stronger on the upper parts of the Sphinx and its enclosure walls than around the base. This erosion of these “upper” surfaces exhibits a pattern of weathering commonly associated with exposure to rainwater run-off. Continue reading The True Age Of The Sphinx And Did The Earth’s Axis Tilt Violently in 2345 BC [Based on (FREE of charge!) Paradise Post research!]