Category Archives: Forbidden Archaeology

Cruel Media Denial of the Veracity of the Biblical Patriarchs & the Septuagint!

Was There An Exodus from Egypt?
This cocksure Jewish lady denies that the Biblical Patriarchs were real people! But Egyptologist David Rohl begs to disagree! Of course Australian mainstream television preferred the Bible doubting lady over the proofs that agnostic David Rohl provides.

The above Australian TV program would also not have invited the Jewish archaeologist and scholars who proved that Joshua was indeed a historical figure by his curse tablet found in Israel!

Even famous apologist William Lane Craig kind of doubts the Septuagint plus the Early Church scholars Eusebius, Theophilus of Antioch, Julius Africanus, and even Roman Jewish historian Josephus, but prefers to stick to the faulty Masoretic text that shorted six of the childbearing ages of the patriarchs of Israel by a hundred years. William is normally pretty good in apologetics, but he ain’t perfect! Maybe he knows better now, after watching this video.
Watch: William Lane Craig – Septuagint Vs. Masoretic Genealogies

Dr. Douglas Petrovich – Ur of the Chaldees & Rameses

Zoser’s Saqqara Step Pyramid Grain Bins of Imhotep Joseph True Historians Proving Genesis

I am not necessarily a close fan of H. Gruver, but he also proves the truthfulness of Ron Wyatt‘s archaeology. The discovery of the deep grain bins near the Saqqara Step Pyramid of Imhotep, who therefore is proven to be identical to the Biblical Joseph, son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, who became second in command under the Pharao (Zoser or Djozer) .  It once again proves the historicity of the Book of Genesis in the Tanakh, one of the Five Books written by Moses or also called the Pentateuch!

Extrapolating from that truth, why not accept and believe its entire truth which Jesus Christ also accepted, that Creation was very recent and not billions or even millions of years ago, but at the most less than 10.000 years ago. These following are some great videos.

PROBLEM: MANY Christians even STILL do NOT believe in Genesis as REAL TRUE history because they’re STILL brain-washed by Darwin’s untenable Evolutionist nonsense & “billions of years” (How about you?) (VIEW the long videos at 1.25 or even 1.5 HIGH SPEED)

THIS is historian Jonathan Gray’s video, confirming Ron Wyatt’s discovery of Joseph’s grain-bins & more.


IF we don’t care to consider these proofs of Bible accuracy.. we are without excuse if we continue to believe Darwin & his soul-damning LIE of humans descending from animals or other species, which genetically is impossible. For your notebook or desktop computer to get more faculties/capabilities, it needs more CODE or INFORMATION in the form of software, and often acquire more hardware even to make it capable.  Information does not just ‘fall from the sky’ in some undefined, empirically never proven, unknown non directed process that these 19th century Darwinian spinsters & rich atheist bankers just thought up and labeled this mirage or ‘Fatah Morgana’, this spurious figment of their imagination: “Evolution“.  Extra coded informtion has to be programmed by Intelligence and added to the genome. It doesn’t “just happen” any more than millions of monkeys typing for millions of years coming up with an Encyclopedia, or even average American teenage destroyers (a tautology), coming up with Marxist ideas on their own without Saul Alinsky or Dewy, let alone with Platonic or Socratean philosophy! It ain’t gonna happen. They have to be taught it! Added to their brains! (?)

Deep Corn Bins Built by Joseph also called Imhotep.

All the ancient patriarchs and ancient civilisations and tribes and nations ALL accepted CREATION & talked about the GLOBAL FLOOD disaster, whereas modern Marxist, atheist, post-modernist historians are all beholden to Darwinism, for that is where the filthy lucre and Book sales for these compromisers come from.

One more recent CLEAR video of Saqqara step pyramid

HOW MUCH historical truths are suppressed by the Antichrists! It is devastating for our Christian civilisation and cultures.

Screw-like Objects Discovered in Ancient “Million-year-old” Rock in Southeastern China From Global Flood Mis-identified

Screw-liked objects were discovered inside an ancient rock thought to be millions of years old in southern China. The video, shot in the city of Pingxiang in Jiangxi Province on October 1, shows several screw-liked objects embedded inside a quartz stone.

Probably these spring like screws were captured in one of the multiple rock-, sand- & mud- tsunamis of the 3000 B.C. Global Flood that buried the ancient Pre-Flood Civilisation of the offspring of Adam & Eve. One of them called Tubal Cain was famous for his metallurgy, “a fashioner of Brass & Iron.”

But the Mainstream media are the programmers of the masses into the ruling Darwinian paradigm that forbids the true NON-Darwinian history of this planet. Yet, all ancient civilisations mentioned the Flood as true history, but modern atheistic, post modernist, Marxist, Darwinist propagandist do not allow True History.

Here is another millions year old screw in Lanzhou China. Yes from before Man arrived 3-4 million years ago, acc. to Chinese Communist who by worldview and politics are forced to be Darwinians of course!

The Communists have a hard time dealing with such anomalies and I am sure it really tests their One Party loyalty until they decide to better fall in line with the Party LINE! Ha!

Ancient Origins– the bogus Ancient History Eye Candy & Ear Tickling websitedoubts if this is really a million years old screw preferring it to be an ancient fossilised sea creature. Yah yah! We, the gullible public, are being continually bombarded by Darwinists doubting truth!

spring like screws in rock
Spring-like screws in “millions yr.” old rock.

2000 Yr. Old Greek Antikythera Computer Defeats Caveman Nonsense & Stumps Darwinist Historians

There is a YouTube comment under the ‘must watch‘ video below, that says, “They ‘handpick’ which ‘discoveries’ are revealed! Some discoveries are much more incredible but hidden and never told about! This is actually nothing in comparison to what they are hiding!
I am afraid this observation is very true, when one just thinks of the Vatican who refuses to reveal all secret artefacts & documents in its vast underground vaults. This article will explain why.

The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient hand powered Greek analogue computer which has also been described as the first example of such a device used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendar and astrological purposes decades in advance. It could also be used to track the four-year cycle of athletic games which was similar to an Olympiad, the cycle of the ancient Olympic Games.

This artefact was retrieved from the sea in 1901, and identified on 17 May 1902 as containing a gear by archaeologist Valerios Stais, among wreckage retrieved from a shipwreck off the coast of the Greek island Antikythera. The instrument is believed to have been designed and constructed by Greek scientists and has been variously dated to about 87 BC, or between 150 and 100 BC, or to 205 BC, or to within a generation before the shipwreck, which has been dated to approximately 70–60 BC.

The device, housed in the remains of a 34 cm × 18 cm × 9 cm (13.4 in × 7.1 in × 3.5 in) wooden box, was found as one lump, later separated into three main fragments which are now divided into 82 separate fragments after conservation efforts. Four of these fragments contain gears, while inscriptions are found on many others. The largest gear is approximately 14 centimeters (5.5 in) in diameter and originally had 223 teeth.

It is a complex clockwork mechanism composed of at least 30 meshing bronze gears. A team led by Mike Edmunds and Tony Freeth at Cardiff University used modern computer x-ray tomography and high resolution surface scanning to image inside fragments of the crust-encased mechanism and read the faintest inscriptions that once covered the outer casing of the machine.

Detailed imaging of the mechanism suggests that it had 37 gear wheels enabling it to follow the movements of the Moon and the Sun through the zodiac, to predict eclipses and even to model the irregular orbit of the Moon, where the Moon’s velocity is higher in its perigee than in its apogee. This motion was studied in the 2nd century BC by astronomer Hipparchus of Rhodes, and it is speculated that he may have been consulted in the machine’s construction.

The knowledge of this technology was lost at some point in antiquity. Similar technological works later appeared in the medieval Byzantine and Islamic worlds, but works with similar complexity did not appear again until the development of mechanical astronomical clocks in Europe in the fourteenth century. All known fragments of the Antikythera mechanism are now kept at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, along with a number of artistic reconstructions and replicas of the mechanism to demonstrate how it may have looked and worked. WATCH THIS AMAZING DISCOVERY.. Continue reading 2000 Yr. Old Greek Antikythera Computer Defeats Caveman Nonsense & Stumps Darwinist Historians

The Megalith Wall New Zealand Govt Ignores & (qu)Academia Deems Natural

A pyramid in New Zealand? or just a pile of very even blocks of stone. If it is a man made structure, we know it is at least 1800 years old. In 186 AD the Taupo eruption covered a vast area in volcanic ash and pumice….including this mound of stone. There have been lots of cover ups in NZ about other walls, grave sites etc….bulldozed over and buried forever.

The Kaimanawa wall is indisputably a megalithic wall and NOT a natural formation – as falsely declared so by some NZ “archaeologist – in this short MUST WATCH documentary. The pride & brazenness of these academics is offensive as well as tragic, as they stifle the discourse and prevent openness and true historical research.

At one time New Zealand was still a pretty open society in the past and even a bit rebellious towards the greater powers that their prime minister – David Lange – would not even allow nuclear ships to enter their ports. Rumours have it that he was even threatened by Heinz Kissinger & the US with death if he didn’t shape up or ship out. NZ media are also grossly controlled and many might never have heard these kind of things. Lange once said, “Will the United States pull the rug on New Zealand? The answer is no. They might polish the lino a bit harder and hope that I execute a rather unseemly glide across it.”

Western nations governments – even those in the East like NZ & Australia – have been steadily infiltrated and hijacked by Marxist, Naturalist, Materialist, Secular Humanist, Marxist powers and refuse to let go of their Darwinian paradigm to acknowledge the worldwide megalith builders in all corners of the world, Why? Because they would have had to cross oceans, and acc. to their stubborn dogma early man was “too stupid” to do so.

And thus the cocksure “official” Darwinian archaeologist in this short documentary declares that this megalithic wall is s mere “natural formation” which it is not, but one can’t fight city-hall anymore these days. The verdict is in the iron grip of dictatorial totalitarian forces who declare that the debate is over and there is a “consensus” and the New Zealand government studiously ignores this amazing relic of true history thousands of years BC (before Christ) the first inhabitants of the islands down there, as even the local Maori confessed, that they lived there before them!

Ladies & gentlemen we need to get used to the idea that Western Civilisation is being destroyed systematically by these Dark Powers that are freezing the world into a block of ice by hook and by crook. Truth is getting scarcer and scarcer force out of the official paradigm, out of the libraries, out of he media, off from the internet, and soon these anti-truthers will get  scarier and scarier even to the point of suppressing truth by force and with violence and capital punishment.  The Soviet union was merely a trial run for the greatest dystopia that is on the horizon. Brace your self with the meekness overcoming faith, endurance, and love of our great example Yeshua of Nazareth, and work to spread truth while it is yet day, because the Night is falling when NO man can work.

Comment under the video…
Bro Tang (2 years ago)
well I went and had a dig, people are slowly exposing more and more, the tree roots make digging hard. I also found another wall nearby. following my gut I wandered off into the scrub and found another two slabs joined the same way and of the same stone. 5mins with a stick and uncovered an inscription that I’m going to cross reference over some known languages. its very strange like an multi spear headed Celtic eye of Horus. it was under a few inches of dirt and invisible until I started scratching the dirt out of the grooves. each intersecting line is curved and deliberate to for a pattern and the way it was when I uncovered it nobody has ever seen it except for whoever carved it. I’ll be going back soon and having a good dig around. this spot I don’t think anybody has ever even noticed it before. from what I’ve learnt I thought to look nth, sth, east and west of the wall as if it was an ancient structure they all seem to be built in that fashion. that investigation the govt did was pointless. the real proof ain’t even at the wall!

Here are some more megaliths in the pacific in Japan, Korea, Indonesia, and other places. These megalith builders traveled ALL over the world, contrary to Darwinism.

Dinosaurs and Humans Coexisted: They lived together, they didn’t die 65 millions years ago

Dinosaurs and Humans lived together in pre-Flood times, and both survived the flood around the world on Noah’s Ark. There has been a lie told since the first bones of a Dinosaur were discovered, and it has to do with a New World Order Agenda. But Dragons have always lived with Man and ALL over the World. Enjoy this documentary.

Whatever Happened to Father Crespi’s Collection? Robbed & Disposed off by Quackademics

J. Golden Barton gives his account of visiting father Crespi in Ecuador, and of all the fascinating ancient artifacts he was able to see and photograph. (This was given at the Ancient Historical Research Foundation symposium held a BYU on 5-25-05 http://www.ahrfoundation.com0 Interesting video. I suggest to increase the Speed Setting to 1.25 or 1.50 as this man speaks incredibly slow. Fascinating presentation of Crespi’s Collection before it was stolen, pilfered, melted down, locked away, banned, and bought by the PTSB (Powers That SHouldn’t Be) because it contradicts their fowl global Darwinian deception! Shame on the quackademics!

It shows how small South American regimes/governments are easily bowled over by powerful Western regimes and Darwinian quackademic powers to hand over any treasures that do NOT support the Darwinian official line. You can almost hardly blame them. Perhaps they were even threatened.

Hope and pray that the elongated skulls from Paracas in Peru are safe, but don’t hold your breath, like the giant skeletons from Catalina Island were purged by the fascist Quackademic powers from the museum there. ALL we have left are a few photographs that remain of them. Just like the giant mound culture skeletons gathered, confiscated, spirited away, and probably destroyed by the Smithsonian repressors of true history, only documented in old grainy photos and century old newspaper clipping photographs. People wake up and spread the news while we still can. MUST WATCH! (and be mature & don’t stumble over a Mormon setting BYU) Continue reading Whatever Happened to Father Crespi’s Collection? Robbed & Disposed off by Quackademics

RT – Questions Less – Obfuscates Elongated Skull Find as “Head Binding”

RT -Russia Today – parrots the official Darwinian cover-up of real elongated skulls, in a recent article of Jan 2019. They dare not show the top of the skull as it most likely doesn’t have the sagittal suture at the top but a closed cap instead, like the Paracas skulls from Peru, as the two skulls show below. The skull doesn’t have a normal cc capacity but is bigger than standard skulls, and therefore is not the result of head binding.

It just shows you that mainstream (lame stream) media ON BOTH sides of the political spectrum support fake archaeology as the dickens. Darwinism is THE major plank in the program of the ‘Modernists’ to keep the masses in their unspiritual illusion as it still is the greatest LIE ever told.

Talk about conspiracies! To rob most of humanity of its faith in their very own Creator is the most deadly one of them all! THAT is why it is so consistently and persistently taught in almost ALL schools and universities, all over the world!

The next deception coming down the pipe, is – probably – that these are children of the “aliens” that ‘pansperma’-ted the human race from their faaaaar away home planet, thus moving the creation debate merely off planet into space where nobody can check how the aliens themselves were “evolved.” Problem solved!

If you like to know how these strange skulls really originated, see our other articles on the subject, so I don’t have to repeat myself. And begin to trust your Maker again! He is around forever and actually loves you. Cheers! And don’t trust everything the media cram down your virgin throat, even the Russian ones, supposedly “Questioning Everything?” Ha!


VDO deleted & updated – Forbidden Proof of Phoenician Ships Leaving the Coast & Crossing Atlantic?

DISCOVERED in 1999, Israel forbade the recovery of an old Phoenician ship wreck although they were outside of their territorial waters, but then the law changed and then acc. to the US State Department it was in Egyptian territorial waters and they said that Egypt would forbid the access & recovery of the ship for “Egyptian security reasons” Sure!!! See how important this is to hijacked Academia?

First the Israelis, then the Egyptians got the warning from the Intl. Darwinian Academics to make the recovery of the ship impossible. I don’t believe it has anything to do with politics or territorial waters, but it is all about proof of Phoenicians leaving the coasts for over 30 miles which is contrary to the “official academic policy” that the Phoenicians never left sight of the coast, and therefore “NEVER crossed the Atlantic Ocean.” Ha! You can’t fight city hall!

For more suppression of true history, read our other articles here on site. MUST WATCH VIDEO!  UPDATE: Sorry! The video got deleted a few days after posting it here. I WONDER WHY!!?? Keep reading though….

Continue reading VDO deleted & updated – Forbidden Proof of Phoenician Ships Leaving the Coast & Crossing Atlantic?

The Latest Elongated Skull Video & Our Different Conclusions than Brien Foerster


Brien Foerster has done tons of research on elongated skulls and this video shows many of the results of his work. Elongated skulls are NOT the result of head-binding cultures, as Darwinian trained archaeologists surmise, as the elongated skulls are elongated from the womb, as the video will show you, and they don’t have the normal sutures on top of the skulls but are closed on top, apart from all the other differences and anomalies. The mystery of course is where did these elongated skull humans originated from?

As much as I admire Brien Foerster’s tenacious research and passion to show (qu)academia that they are …

  1. obfuscating true research into these anomalous skulls
  2.  denying early oceanic crossings of humans & these kind of humans originating in Europe or Middle East around the Caspian and Black Seas..
  3. Ignoring these skulls by NOT subjecting them to rigorous & honest genetic DNA analysis..
  4. confusing the later ‘Indian’ Incas to these skulls via their bogus head binding theory.
  5. etc. etc.

I draw different conclusions than Foerster because we each come from totally different worldviews and scientific paradigms. I will explain:

Brian Foerster, — as many of his fellow travellers, like Matt Childress, Graham Hancock, and other “megalithomaniacs” – as they call themselves — are perhaps alternative in some ways, but still very mainstream in paradigm, in that they are still full-blown Darwinians, inspite of the facts and top scientists that have shredded this bogus theory as a total fantasy and untenable science. See our articles on the subject here on our site. Continue reading The Latest Elongated Skull Video & Our Different Conclusions than Brien Foerster