Is Planet X Nibiru? Anunnaki Shock and the Nephilim?

Excerpts from Jonathan Gray

More and more, people ask me about

  • Planet X, the Anunnaki and the Nephilim. [PP: see Trey Smith’s video below]
  • Did extraterrestrials from a distant planet called Nibiru (Planet X) come to earth and crossbreed with creatures here?
  • And does Nibiru’s orbit bring it into our solar system every 3,600 years?
  • Is it due to visit us soon? How can we know for sure?

With many confusing claims these days, how can one sift fact from fiction? That’s an important question.
The answer is, to test everything. Demand real evidence.  Because there are many self-proclaimed “experts” out  there, who either (a) don’t understand their topic, or (b) fake data.



Now, what about this Planet X story? It’s the kind of story you might want to believe. A certain popular writer, describing himself as an “expert” on ancient texts, tells us that…

“beyond the planet Pluto there is an outer planet called Nibiru. Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race.  Those extra-terrestrials were known as Annunaki. The Anunnakis’ own planet was dying. So the Anunnaki came to Planet Earth to attempt a rescue of their planet. The gold on Planet Earth was needed to create a shield for preserving Nibiru’s dwindling atmosphere. (One can actually feel sorry for the Anunnaki.)

“Anyway, this Planet Nibiru, in its orbit, came close to Planet Earth. A group of 50 astronauts from Nibiru, with their leader called Enki, splashed down in the waters of the Persian Gulf. Some Anunnaki were sent to mine gold in Africa. When the toil became unbearable, Enki ‘created’ ‘primitive workers’ by mixing the genes of male Anunnaki with the eggs of early female hominoids, to bring about ‘Homo sapiens’ – you and me. This sudden speed-up given to our evolution explains how the Sumerian civilization began suddenly, fully developed, with no evidence of a primitive beginning. You can credit these extraterrestrials for jump-starting it,” this popular writer says.

Oh, and something else. The orbit of Nibiru (which some label ‘Planet X’) brings it into our solar system every 3,600 years. It will return to Planet Earth very soon. Well, that awakens my interest. What about you?

Mr. Sitchin: “It’s on the Sumerian Tablets”

In any case, this gentleman, Mr Sitchin, assures us that this is what the clay tablets say. In fact, he has been heavily promoting this topic. In contrast to the airy speculation of von Danicken, Mr Sitchin claims to be a scholar. He graduated in economics. But he claims to be an expert in ancient Sumerian texts and Hebrew. You have to admit, an argument appealing to ancient clay tablets does sound somewhat scholarly.

For a number of years I accepted this gentleman’s claim that the above story was in those ancient Sumerian records. After all,  you just don’t make up such things, do you? When Mr Sitchin first spun his exciting story to us, how many of us had access to all the Sumerian texts?


From my years of independent research, I knew that Mr Sitchin had at least one thing correct – that the Sumerian civilization began suddenly, fully developed, with no evidence of a primitive beginning. As you know, in today’s world, where we are taught that early man was primitive, it is rare to hear about high technology in the ancient world. So I felt a measure of rapport with Mr Sitchins.

For this reason, my customary cautious approach softened toward him. And I did enjoy reading his books.  So I let down my guard just a little to give the “facts” in his books due respect – in particular, the claimed fact that certain ancient texts existed that backed up his story. Accepting his claim also to be a responsible scholar, I went as far as to quote him a couple of times in my book Dead Men’s Secrets. After all, it was apparent to me that Mr Sitchins did have a number of things right:

  1. That a Global Flood had devastated the world in the past. (See the evidence for that event in my book  Surprise Witness.)
  2. That there was a civilization that started in Mesopotamia, from descendants of the Flood survivors. (See the archaeological evidence in my book, The Corpse Came Back.)
  3. That Sumerian civilization started at a high level. (See Dead Men’s Secrets, chapter 2.) This does need explaining.



Now, getting back to the Sumerians: It is a fact that Sumerian civilization did appear suddenly, unexpected and out of nowhere. Yes, Sumeria sprang into existence already fully developed – that is, without transition from a primitive state, with a fantastic ready-made high society. In the remotest period of which there are records, Sumeria shows a level of civilization which is, by popular understanding, inexplicable. It sounds crazy I know, but it’s a fact!

  • H. Frankfort (Tell Uqair) called it “astonishing.”
  • Pierre Amiet (Elam) termed it “extraordinary.”
  • A. Parrot (Sumer) described it as “a flame which blazed up so suddenly.”
  • Leo Oppenheim (Ancient Mesopotamia) stressed “the astonishingly short period” within which the civilization had arisen.
  • Joseph Campbell (The Masks of God) summed it up this way: “With stunning abruptness. . . there appears  in this little Sumerian mud garden. . . the whole  cultural syndrome that has since constituted the germinal unit of all the high civilizations of the world.”


How could such a society suddenly spring up, at the top, not at the bottom? Just like that?
Mr Sitchin to the rescue. He proposed that the reason ancient Sumerian culture was able to spring up suddenly, out of nowhere – was because of aliens from outer space. He says the advanced knowledge was given to the Sumerians by extraterrestrials. And he identifies them as the Anunnaki gods spoken about in Sumero-Mesopotamian mythology. And how does Mr Sitchin know all this?

Well, it’s on the Sumerian ancient clay tablets, he tells us. You have to admit, an argument appealing to ancient clay tablets does sound rather scholarly, right?


But I shall make it absolutely clear that what follows is not about the man. It’s about the subject. I have no problem with Zecharia Sitchin as a person. He’s probably quite a nice guy. For a number of years I assumed that his story was, as he claimed, in the Sumerian records. After all, you just don’t make up such things, do you?


Over a period of time I had been receiving emails asking me about

  • Planet Nibiru (Planet X)
  • The Anunnaki
  • The Nephilim
  • The 3,600 year orbit of this planet, which is  said to bring destruction each time its passes close the earth.

So I felt an increasing obligation to dig deeper. Well, I was checking carefully through the story. And an irritating anomaly cropped up. Assuming this story were true, such a misfit piece made no sense. It should not exist!

Naturally, this bothered me.  Shrug it off as an isolated problem? Perhaps. But it did cry out to be resolved. But, pursuing this matter was not so easy. You see, very soon another inconsistency surfaced.… then another… and another. Bother! The problem was not just one, but a growing procession of non-fitting pieces.

That’s when it struck me that the problem might be not with the inconsistencies, but with Mr Sitchin’s story. Here are some of the serious questions that arose:

  1. Mr Sitchin said that the Anunnaki come from the planet Nibiru (a 12th planet). How do we know this is so? According to our friend, it’s in the Sumerian texts.
    PROBLEM: Search, search and search! But, no matter how hard one might search, it was absolutely impossible to find even one such Sumerian text!
  2. Nibiru is a planet beyond Pluto. How do we know? According to our friend, the Sumerian texts say so.
    PROBLEM: Again, I could find not one single Sumerian text that says so.
  3. This planet Nibiru cycles through our solar system every 3600 years.  According to Mr Sitchins, the Sumerian texts say this.
    PROBLEM: But try as one might, no such Sumerian texts could be found! Not anywhere.

Was the problem with me?

Search as one might, the Sumerian texts displayed a distressing habit of not being there. So could the problem be with me? As I scratched my head over this, a few more awkward questions began to nag at me:

  • Why did Mr Sitchin claim that the biblical pre-Flood “sons of God” who married the “daughters of men” were called “nephilim” – when the Genesis text itself said something very different?
  • Why did Mr Sitchin say that “nephilim” means “people of the fiery rockets” and also “those who came down from heaven”? – when, in the Hebrew language, the word “nephilim” meant nothing like this.
  • Why did many of Mr Sitchin’s vital translations of Sumerian and Mesopotamian words, differ so much from Mesopotamian cuneiform bilingual dictionaries?

Why… why… why? Here was a whole mass of questions now crying out for an answer.


sciencefacts-300x217You should understand something here. Experience in front line archaeology has taught me that facts must always override theories. If a theory says yes, but the discovered facts say no, then the theory is wrong. That is plain common sense.

In an investigation, there may be hundreds of information bits to consider. One may start out imagining a scenario, but when all the facts are in, the final picture may turn out to be quite different.

Let’s say you have hundreds of torn-up bits of newspaper scattered over the table, and you want to fit them together to form a page. But after working for hours, you discover the pieces just do not fit. Well, that’s where I was with the many pieces to Mr Sitchin’s theory. They just did not fit.

So what would you do? What better than to ask the man who gave us the pieces? So I sat down and wrote to Zecharia Sitchin, asking him to help me clarify these matters. Surely he would substantiate his story better than anyone. Perhaps he had sources not available to the rest of the world?

I waited and waited. And then, it came. As I pulled it out of the post box, my heart thumped heavily. I tore open the envelope, and there, inside, was a photocopy of my letter, with Mr S’ few brief notes scribbled over it. It revealed that the dear man’s claims were in tatters.

If you are a lover of the TRUTH, then you will be excited that the  truth is now ready to come out. My report on this came to 224 pages. That’s too much for an email, but I have put it into a new convenient package with two other explosive reports called “Forbidden Discoveries” and “Men in Embarrassing Places”. This whole package is all about so called “experts” being caught red-handed. You will be astonished at the deliberate mis-information being fed to us. It is now time to face the truth.



Who Are the Nephilim! The TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Nephilim

redhairgiantskull redhairgiantskull2

Nephilim: Origin of Genetic Evil, the Nephilim. NEPHILIM (FULL) DOCUMENTARY –… Journey into the world of Fallen Angels, Satan, Shadow People, Aliens, Demons, Anunnaki, Archons, Ancient Giants, “Ancient Aliens” & Genetic Hybrids.

Nephilim (NEW) : A TRUE Journey into the Dark Dimensions. For Nephilim 2 disc DVD…
The Two Disc Nephilim Collector’s Set contains 3 Nephilim Documentaries — Two of which are not currently up for public view.

Other Documentaries available at God in a Nutshell:

NephS: A NEW Trey Smith documentary on Nephilim

Nephilim: Origin of Genetic Evil takes a deep look at human genetics, elongated skulls, “Nephilim Skulls” ancient giants, “Nephilim giants” giant skulls (fragments) and Neanderthal skulls (genetically) — all this in an EASY walk through of precise Hebrew, Babylonian – Sumerian, Egyptian & Book of Enoch accounts of Nephilim / Annunaki, Ancient Alien / Demons, Fallen Angels, and even the father of all lies — Satan… From the depths of the underworld & Lucifer (Luciferian) occult of Hell’s gates…. to the ancient pages of Biblical revelation and prophecy… to the very words of prophecy from the lips of Jesus Christ Himself….

Nephilim: A journey from heaven to hell… and the genetic hybrids & entities between.
— Nephilim by Trey Smith / God in a Nutshell project

Nephilim: the Nephilim documentary is a FULL in-depth EXAMINATION of Ancient Giants, Ancient Aliens, Fallen Angels, Anunnaki / Nephilim, Ancient Elongated Skulls… and FULL details of Egyptian & Babylonian occult – sometimes called “Luciferian”

Nephilim (DEFINITION): The Nephilim (nɛfɨˌlɪm) were the offspring of the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men” in Genesis 6:4. The pre-flood / post flood, genetic hybrids of the ancient world. Ezekiel 32:27 “the fallen mighty (גִּבֹּורִים נֹפְלִים) of the uncircumcised (Nephilim), which are gone down ( יָרְדֽוּ) to the grave (hell) with their weapons of war. These are but a few of the writings from the Bible, the Book of Enoch and cultures around the globe…. demons to some, genetic hybrids to more, fallen angels to others, and “underworld gods” to still more.

GREAT DOCUMENTARY: Ancient Aliens Debunked! BY Chris White interviews with L A Marzulli, Steve Quayle, David Icke, Chris White

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