Tag Archives: Ron Wyatt

Zoser’s Saqqara Step Pyramid Grain Bins of Imhotep Joseph True Historians Proving Genesis

I am not necessarily a close fan of H. Gruver, but he also proves the truthfulness of Ron Wyatt‘s archaeology. The discovery of the deep grain bins near the Saqqara Step Pyramid of Imhotep, who therefore is proven to be identical to the Biblical Joseph, son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, who became second in command under the Pharao (Zoser or Djozer) .  It once again proves the historicity of the Book of Genesis in the Tanakh, one of the Five Books written by Moses or also called the Pentateuch!

Extrapolating from that truth, why not accept and believe its entire truth which Jesus Christ also accepted, that Creation was very recent and not billions or even millions of years ago, but at the most less than 10.000 years ago. These following are some great videos.

PROBLEM: MANY Christians even STILL do NOT believe in Genesis as REAL TRUE history because they’re STILL brain-washed by Darwin’s untenable Evolutionist nonsense & “billions of years” (How about you?) (VIEW the long videos at 1.25 or even 1.5 HIGH SPEED)

THIS is historian Jonathan Gray’s video, confirming Ron Wyatt’s discovery of Joseph’s grain-bins & more.

For Ron Wyatt’s death-bed confession that he found the ARK OF THE COVENANT and SAW ANGELS & DISCOVERED & ANALYSED THE BLOOD OF JESUS, SEE OUR ARTICLE ON HIS DEATHBED CONFESSION HERE: https://ancientpatriarchs.wordpress.com/2016/02/21/ron-wyatts-deathbed-confession-of-finding-ark-of-the-covenant-its-guardian-angels/

IF we don’t care to consider these proofs of Bible accuracy.. we are without excuse if we continue to believe Darwin & his soul-damning LIE of humans descending from animals or other species, which genetically is impossible. For your notebook or desktop computer to get more faculties/capabilities, it needs more CODE or INFORMATION in the form of software, and often acquire more hardware even to make it capable.  Information does not just ‘fall from the sky’ in some undefined, empirically never proven, unknown non directed process that these 19th century Darwinian spinsters & rich atheist bankers just thought up and labeled this mirage or ‘Fatah Morgana’, this spurious figment of their imagination: “Evolution“.  Extra coded informtion has to be programmed by Intelligence and added to the genome. It doesn’t “just happen” any more than millions of monkeys typing for millions of years coming up with an Encyclopedia, or even average American teenage destroyers (a tautology), coming up with Marxist ideas on their own without Saul Alinsky or Dewy, let alone with Platonic or Socratean philosophy! It ain’t gonna happen. They have to be taught it! Added to their brains! (?)

Deep Corn Bins Built by Joseph also called Imhotep.

All the ancient patriarchs and ancient civilisations and tribes and nations ALL accepted CREATION & talked about the GLOBAL FLOOD disaster, whereas modern Marxist, atheist, post-modernist historians are all beholden to Darwinism, for that is where the filthy lucre and Book sales for these compromisers come from.

One more recent CLEAR video of Saqqara step pyramid

HOW MUCH historical truths are suppressed by the Antichrists! It is devastating for our Christian civilisation and cultures.

Korean Doctor Confirms Ron Wyatt’s Archaeological Exodus & Real Mt. Sinai Discoveries – VDO

A Koran Doctor, Dr. Kim, was for 12 years the personal physician of a Saudi Prince who gave him royal permission to freely travel throughout Saudi Arabia even into the forbidden areas where long ago Biblical archaeologist Ron Wyatt discovered Israelite – Egyptian petroglyphs in what was the Land of Midian, near Mt Horeb and the real Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia which are actually two sides of the same mountain. In Saudi Arabia it is called Jebel El Lawz or the Mountain of Moses and Mt. Hreb.

This Korean doctor Kim confirmed Wyatt’s findings and took pictures of the oldest Menorah in history found on a rock near Mt Sinai and archaeological proofs of the Exodus near the places mentioned in the Bible called Jethro’s House which is actually a cave. Jethro’s Cave Home is still called that today in what was Land of Midian.

Continue reading Korean Doctor Confirms Ron Wyatt’s Archaeological Exodus & Real Mt. Sinai Discoveries – VDO

Was Ron Wyatt God’s Archaeologist?

ron_wyattAll through out history there have been these “blood feuds” over God’s people. Even Jesus Himself was no stranger to controversy, and you wonder how many Christians today would have been on the Pharisees’ side condemning Him for “breaking the law” and “being a friend of sinners” and “lo, he deceives the people”, and “are ye also deceived?”

Most of these Christians who are like that, — and we wouldn’t want to mention any names, now would we?– would never even realise that they would have been on the wrong side. They think that since they are ”Christians” they have “discernment”, even to tell right from wrong, much like many other Muggles of today can tell “Right from Left”, yet don’t realise they are all caught up in a bankers’ created paradigm meant to divide and conquer them, so they can rule over them. Meaning, NO discernment whatsoever!

Many times, what Christians call “discernment” is nothing else but a severe case of a critical spirit! Judgmental, stuck on themselves, conservative, reactionary, old bottles, who say, “Yeah the new wine may be what you like, but we prefer the old wine!”

Was Ron Wyatt God’s archaeologist? Well, if you listen to James Randi and Michael Shermer the famous Skeptics, of course he wasn’t! Considering the source that should be encouraging to Ron’s surviving relatives, who very much believe in their father and husband. Ron doesn’t need the encouragement anymore, he was received into Heaven with flying colors. What do I mean? Continue reading Was Ron Wyatt God’s Archaeologist?

Inscription & Ivory Pomegranate Authenticity Directly Related to Ron Wyatt’s Controversial Find of Lost Ark of Covenant

By Jonathan Gray, of beforeus.com • April 13, 2014 • See comment section for added info on  Robert Deutsch’s complicity?


They called it a hoax, till one man went to prove it so… The unexpected truth shocked me… It will shock you too. For 800 years, the Ark of the Covenant was the most sacred object in the world. In 586 BC, with other precious items from Solomon’s Temple, it vanished. At that time Jerusalem was surrounded by the army of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.

According to Jewish tradition, the temple vessels were taken and hidden in a cave by Jeremiah and the temple priests. Their location was kept secret, then forgotten. They remained lost for 2500 years.


RealRaiderLostArkWhen American archaeologist Ron Wyatt, after a 3 year dig, claimed to have discovered the Ark of the Covenant under Jerusalem, he presented one object from the same cave to the Israeli authorities.

This convinced them that he had indeed found some items from the First Temple.

The object was an ivory pomegranate head of the priestly scepter from Solomon’s Temple – positive confirmation that vessels from Solomon’s temple had indeed been found. He was promptly ordered by the host government not to reveal certain information. Continue reading Inscription & Ivory Pomegranate Authenticity Directly Related to Ron Wyatt’s Controversial Find of Lost Ark of Covenant

The discovery of an amazing ship-shape anomaly & its cover-up! Is it Noah’s Ark?

November 1, 2010 | By Lu Paradise — 1394 total views


A remarkable anomaly was discovered on this Earth. A strange, man-made-like ship-shape with a sharp bow and rounded stern, plus other archaeological artifacts obviously related to it, are all situated at the very same geographic spot, with related ancient place names, but to top it all off, there exists related documentation in hundreds of historical annals, ancient legends, local lore, even evidenced on ancient cuneiform tablets.

Fascinating? durupinar-anomalyYou choose the word! More than fascinating! We find no words to describe this amazing discovery, which strangely enough is fully and studiously ignored by–who else but–the global mainstream media.

Well, most of us bloggers are hardly surprised by that, as millions have now turned to the blogs for news and true info. A Gallup poll showed how 57 % of Americans have “little or no trust anymore in the mainstream media”, an attitude that seems to be reflected worldwide.

An additional, comical poll-result was, that the most gullible sections among the US public who still trust the media, appear to be “the youth and liberals“, or “leftists” as we call them in the rest of the world. Of course we can forgive young people for being rather ignorant, as they just didn’t have the time yet, nor experience to form a well-balanced and historically just viewpoint, being raised on Micky Mouse, Sponge Bob, Simpsons, Disney, CNN, Fox, Yahoo, and Wikipedia! Ha! The humanity? Ay, ay, ay! But lets not digress…  Back to the amazing anomaly! Continue reading The discovery of an amazing ship-shape anomaly & its cover-up! Is it Noah’s Ark?