Tag Archives: Saudi Prince

Korean Doctor Confirms Ron Wyatt’s Archaeological Exodus & Real Mt. Sinai Discoveries – VDO

A Koran Doctor, Dr. Kim, was for 12 years the personal physician of a Saudi Prince who gave him royal permission to freely travel throughout Saudi Arabia even into the forbidden areas where long ago Biblical archaeologist Ron Wyatt discovered Israelite – Egyptian petroglyphs in what was the Land of Midian, near Mt Horeb and the real Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia which are actually two sides of the same mountain. In Saudi Arabia it is called Jebel El Lawz or the Mountain of Moses and Mt. Hreb.

This Korean doctor Kim confirmed Wyatt’s findings and took pictures of the oldest Menorah in history found on a rock near Mt Sinai and archaeological proofs of the Exodus near the places mentioned in the Bible called Jethro’s House which is actually a cave. Jethro’s Cave Home is still called that today in what was Land of Midian.

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