Tag Archives: Religion

A ***guided Try to Re-Discover Suppressed True History? Remains to be Seen

I had seen the second part of this video below, before, which at the time came across to me as a bit of glorification of the Scythians/Scyths/Sacae/ -those tribes North of the Black Sea and Caucasus, and of their advanced iron- and gold metallurgy, and culture. Asha Logos’, the video creator’s effort appeared to be to shine a more favorable light on their historic achievements which are not greatly or favorably documented by their enemies to the South like the Greeks, and they left no written history behind themselves.

Please know that I am trying to be mild in my treatment of the video below, as it is a sympathetic effort, and right up my alley of exposing academic corruption and suppression of history. If I did not like it I would not have posted it. But I have a few things to add to the narrative presented in it.

Most of what was known of Scythian history came from the accounts by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who visited their territory, but in more recent times we learned more about them by Russians excavating burial mounds in Tyva and Kazakhstan.

The video below IMHO does carry a whiff of white nostalgia, to put it mildly, even though the creator says (paraphrased:) to please not think that he is glorifying the Indo-European race. So, why say it? I guess in light of the Marxist ploy to cut down Europeans to the level of the rest of the world so that they will fit better in the coming NWO dystopia of the WHITE rich control freaks? Ha, the irony. Continue reading A ***guided Try to Re-Discover Suppressed True History? Remains to be Seen

Wikipedia and Lucifer

By Kevin Boyle

Wikipedia calls Stephen Meyer and Michael Egnor “pseudo-scientists” because they both publicly support the idea of ‘intelligent design’.

‘RationalWiki’ goes further calling Egnor “a promotor of neuro-woo”. [RationalWiki has a “board” of directors who hide behind fake names]

Egnor and Meyer are modern “heretics” who speak out against the dominant establishment scientific doctrine, i.e. ‘materialism’, which asserts that:

Consciousness is an epiphenomenon of electro-chemical activity in the brains of sentient beings. Beyond these neural signals there is no consciousness. Whatsoever.

Thus the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe is reduced to being a by-product of sodium and potassium ions acting across cell membranes and there we have it; it is not consciousness that causes body chemistry, it is body chemistry that causes consciousness.

John Cleese quotes George Orwell regarding this issue when he says here that:

“Only an intellectual is capable of believing such nonsense.”

The question is … why does Wikipedia and every other establishment instrument in the public domain put so much effort into forbidding the idea that there is a ‘God’ that has created the universe?

The answers are fairly obvious but worth stating:

The establishment wants (and needs) us to listen to and obey its authority only.

The world is ruled by Luciferians who want and intend to displace God. They are, essentially, thieves who want to own it all and in order to achieve their goal they must persuade us to silence the voice of God, the Logos, within our very being. Along with everything else they decide what kind of drama we get to watch (e.g. anything on Netflix or, perhaps, predictably PC, arse-aching BBC sh*t like this)

God is love. The love of self and other. The affirmation of all.

Lucifer is love of self and rejection of all that does not serve love of self.

It begins with the illusion that self is source but even the self-love in Lucifer is God’s. Lucifer turns love against its true source. Free beings can do that. We are all capable of buying into the illusion (which is, literally nothing) to the point that we reject and act against the only thing that is real in us.

We, here on earth, need to recognise and know that which is believed by all in heaven.

That we are sources of nothing.

That all the good in us flows in from Heaven, and

All evil in us flows in from hell.

Why would people of faith pray (or agnostics desire the common good) if they did not know this already? The ‘Logos’ (the Divine within) is at work in us whether we are aware of it or not.

In the words of Emanuel Swedenborg, ‘Heaven and Hell’ §302

“I have talked with angels about the conjunction of heaven with the human race, and I said that, while the man of the Church declares that all good is from God, and that angels are with man, yet few believe that angels are conjoined to man, still less that they are in his thought and affection. To this the angels replied that they know that there is such a belief and even such a mode of speaking in the world, and especially, to their surprise, within the Church, where yet there is the Word to teach men about heaven and its conjunction with man.

Nevertheless, there IS such a conjunction that man is unable to think the least thing apart from the spirits adjoined to him, and on this his spiritual life depends. They said that the cause of ignorance of this matter is man’s belief that he lives from himself, without a connection with the Creator of life; and that he does not know that this connection exists by means of the heavens; and yet if that connection were broken man would instantly fall down dead.

If man believed, as is really true, that all good is from the Lord and all evil from hell, he would not make the good in him a matter of merit nor would evil be imputed to him; for he would then look to the Lord in all the good he thinks and does, and all the evil that inflows would be cast down to hell whence it comes. But because man does not believe that there is any influx into him either from heaven or from hell, and so supposes that all the things that he thinks and wills are in himself, and therefore from himself, he appropriates the evil to himself, and the inflowing good he defiles with merit.”

Michael Egnor: The Evidence against Materialism

Stephen Meyer: God and the Origin of the Universe

Tom Campbell: The Implications of Virtual Reality for Humanity


Dangerous History! How Quackademia Suppresses True British Arturian & Christian Welsh History

Richard D. Hall speaks to Adrian Gilbert about his latest book “The Blood of Avalon”. The book continues on from his earlier work with historians Wilson and Blackett about the real King Arthur in South Wales. He has made some incredible discoveries independently of Wilson and Blackett which provide further evidence that the famous King Arthur legend does in fact originate in Glamorgan. By analysing various place names he has pin pointed the actual location of the Grail Castle spoken of in Arthurian legend.

He also explains that the name of the church which Wilson and Blackett excavated in 1990, where Arthurian artefacts were found, is named after Bedivere, one of Arthur’s knights. This area is known in legends as Avalon, and was able to hold onto its original history for many years due to the fact that the land remained for centuries outside of Norman rule. Adrian explains how blood lines are crucially important when making a claim to the throne. The Holy Grail Arthurian bloodline could present a major threat to the current royal bloodline of the UK, which might explain the attempts to bury Wilson and Blackett and their research – and why someone in 2011 detonated a bomb strategically placed under Baram Blacket’s bed. Three MUST WATCH videos. Continue reading Dangerous History! How Quackademia Suppresses True British Arturian & Christian Welsh History

La photo du ptérosaure prise pendant la guerre civile que personne ne devrait voir! “- A lire!

Par Lu Paradise • June 19, 2013 • 0 Comments •  1,233 views
Cet article important et très interessant et maintenant encore pas traduit parfaitement, mais en train d’être finalisé!  SVP ayez patience, autrement retourne apres.  Ici en Anglais. Ici en Allemand. Ici en Espagnol. Ici en Hollandais, et ici en Chinois Traditionel 中文
Also available in English as fully illustrated PPS Powerpoint Presentation 1,6 MB here! Ou comme video en Anglais ici.

Il y a une très vieille photo que personne ne peut voir! Ce n’est pas qu’elle n’existe pas,-elle existe bien!, mais personne n’est vraiment permis de la voir par la «police de la pensée». (George Orwell 1984) Mais même quand les gens la voient, nombreux ne peuvent pas la voir telle qu’elle est vraiment! Au moins, très peu d’entre eux. J’espère que vous le pouvez! Permettez-moi de vous expliquer les faits…

pterahead2Quand une pieuvre est menacée, elle expulse un nuage d’encre dans le visage de son poursuivant. La pieuvre est toujours là, mais devient temporairement invisible derrière son nuage d’encre pendant qu’elle s’échappe. Continue reading La photo du ptérosaure prise pendant la guerre civile que personne ne devrait voir! “- A lire!

SOLID PROOF why Earth could ONLY have suffered one catastrophic Flood in antiquity! A non-religious logical explanation!

by Lu Paradise • February 14, 2014 •


A non-religious, rational, logical, point-by-point explanation why Earth could ONLY have suffered one huge water-driven Flood catastrophe in fairly recent ancient history. Proof that Neo- Darwinism is pseudo-science to destroy & obfuscate our true ancient history & heritage! — A MUST READ!

In order to propagate and implant a different worldview, the true Ancient History of Man was willfully destroyed by powerful dis-informants promoting a way-too-old narrative based on politically motivated false theory construing non-events proven” by corrupt dating-methods. For example, see how they got it wrong in the following radiometric datings:
Continue reading SOLID PROOF why Earth could ONLY have suffered one catastrophic Flood in antiquity! A non-religious logical explanation!

Inscription & Ivory Pomegranate Authenticity Directly Related to Ron Wyatt’s Controversial Find of Lost Ark of Covenant

By Jonathan Gray, of beforeus.com • April 13, 2014 • See comment section for added info on  Robert Deutsch’s complicity?


They called it a hoax, till one man went to prove it so… The unexpected truth shocked me… It will shock you too. For 800 years, the Ark of the Covenant was the most sacred object in the world. In 586 BC, with other precious items from Solomon’s Temple, it vanished. At that time Jerusalem was surrounded by the army of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.

According to Jewish tradition, the temple vessels were taken and hidden in a cave by Jeremiah and the temple priests. Their location was kept secret, then forgotten. They remained lost for 2500 years.


RealRaiderLostArkWhen American archaeologist Ron Wyatt, after a 3 year dig, claimed to have discovered the Ark of the Covenant under Jerusalem, he presented one object from the same cave to the Israeli authorities.

This convinced them that he had indeed found some items from the First Temple.

The object was an ivory pomegranate head of the priestly scepter from Solomon’s Temple – positive confirmation that vessels from Solomon’s temple had indeed been found. He was promptly ordered by the host government not to reveal certain information. Continue reading Inscription & Ivory Pomegranate Authenticity Directly Related to Ron Wyatt’s Controversial Find of Lost Ark of Covenant

The Mystery of the Iron Peg

By Jonathan Gray • June 25, 2014


David was stunned. He stared at it. Then shook his head. Finally, he looked me in the eye and said, “Jonathan, this iron peg is the greatest archaeological mystery of all time.”
Then he paused, carefully measuring his words: “…unless Matthew’s eyewitness account is true.”
Please read this amazing report of our Jerusalem expedition and tell me what you think.


So, , how would you explain this very strange discovery we have made in Jerusalem? It concerns a tomb and an iron peg. Did we guess right – or is there something we have missed?

You see, some very precise clues (for future archaeologists?) were given in the New Testament account of the crucifixion of Jesus in 31 AD. We are informed in the writings thatJesus was crucified:

  • (a) “outside the city” (Hebrews 13:12; John 19:20)
  • (b) at a place called “the Skull” (Matthew 27:33; Mark 15:22; Luke 23:33; John 19:17)

Continue reading The Mystery of the Iron Peg

Discovered – The Earliest Language and Religion

by Jonathan Grey • June 22, 2014


Did you know that a poster of the new Europe portrays the ancient Tower of Babel, with the slogan, “Many Tongues, One Voice”? I was quietly pondering that when my wife Josephine asked, “What was the very first human tongue?

I looked up. “You mean, what was the very first human language?”
“Yes,” she replied. “Or do you have any idea what is our closest modern language to the original, First Tongue?”

A fascinating question, don’t you think? Would you like to know? As an archaeologist, I believe the answer has now been discovered. Out in the remote canyons of the Pergatoire River, just south of La Junta, Colorado, researcher Gary Vey was examining some very old petroglyphics. Continue reading Discovered – The Earliest Language and Religion

“Ancient Origins” is anything BUT & so the funded info war goes on!

by Lu Paradise • 2014-07-15 • 194 views

AncientOrigins“Ancient Origins” is a fully-formed, fully-funded new kid on the ‘Origins of Mankind’ block, pretending it is doing “honest research yada yada to discover our origins“, yet chose from the get-go that the debate is really over and there is after all a “Darwinian Consensus” of course, and they really wish to stuff that down YOUR amateur historian throat! Where does A.O. so suddenly come from?

When it first started it worked from a collective mail address in London, but now from Australia, and the only human that can be extracted is April Holloway, and no other names are given. Yet the website is professional and lavish with nice artwork, definitely not cheap with some free WordPress theme as most real alternative media do. Continue reading “Ancient Origins” is anything BUT & so the funded info war goes on!

1. A 360-day year at first 2: Great Pyramid astronomically aligned 3: “A new arrangement of the World” 4: Stonehenge to re-calculate!

by Jonathan Gray • February 19, 2014 • Gizah_Pyramids_Ricardo_Liberato

MYSTERIES…Would YOU like to solve this one? Stonehenge… WHAT is its special secret? And the Great Pyramid. Are you ready for a treat today?




The ancient calendars had a 360 day year. That’s why the earth was divided into 360 degrees. The ancient Chinese calendar was 360 days long. So was the Babylonian. And the Roman. And the Mayan. And the Indian. And the Egyptian. All had a year of 360 days. But later, every nation changed its calendar. This rearrangement of the calendars in antiquity has long been a puzzle to scholars.  Why did  ALL  those  ancient nations change their calendars from years of 360 days to 365¼ days?

Hey, wait a minute, you say. Did they all make the SAME original mistake? All of them? And then they all had to change it? Continue reading 1. A 360-day year at first 2: Great Pyramid astronomically aligned 3: “A new arrangement of the World” 4: Stonehenge to re-calculate!