Tag Archives: darwinism

Irreducible Complexity: The Challenge to the Darwinian Evolutionary Explanations of many Biochemical Structures

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”
–Charles Darwin, Origin of Species

With this statement, Charles Darwin provided a criterion by which his theory of evolution could be falsified. The logic was simple: since evolution is a gradual process in which slight modifications produce advantages for survival, it cannot produce complex structures in a short amount of time. It’s a step-by-step process which may gradually build up and modify complex structures, but it cannot produce them suddenly.

Darwin, meet Michael Behe, biochemical researcher and professor at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. Michale Behe claims to have shown exactly what Darwin claimed would destroy the theory of evolution, through a concept he calls “irreducible complexity.” In simple terms, this idea applies to any system of interacting parts in which the removal of any one part destroys the function of the entire system. An irreducibly complex system, then, requires each and every component to be in place before it will function. Continue reading Irreducible Complexity: The Challenge to the Darwinian Evolutionary Explanations of many Biochemical Structures

Charles Darwin’s Hidden Agenda for Science – (re post)

The standard, long held view of the connection between Darwin’s religion and his theory is wrong. Supposedly he was a Christian who studied at Cambridge to become a minister. But then, during his voyage around the world on the Beagle, the scientific facts persuaded him to believe in evolution and give up his Christian faith. However, an examination of the various influences upon the youthful Charles Darwin reveals an entirely different story.

Family Background.

Charles’ grandfather, Erasmus, a successful and wealthy physician in the 18th century, wrote the book, Zoonomia (Laws of Life), which portrays a pantheistic world in which all life and species evolved. Erasmus’ close friend, industrialist Josiah Wedgwood I, embraced Unitarian theology. Erasmus’ son and Charles’ father, Robert Darwin, also a wealthy physician, probably an atheist, married Susannah Wedgwood. Other marriage ties between the two families followed. Not surprisingly, Darwin males generally were freethinkers, following the Unitarian, pantheistic and atheistic views of their principal sires.

The Son, His Father and His Wife.

Charles Darwin, was born in 1809. His dominant, atheistic father, Robert, advised him to conceal his unorthodox beliefs from his wife. Should he predecease her this would spare her from unnecessary grief because of her spouse’s dying an unbeliever. Charles never spoke publicly about his religious views. However, before he married Emma Wedgwood in 1839 he told her about his rejection of Christian faith. Though probably not herself evangelical, she was nevertheless pious, and the rather gross unbelief of her husband was painful to her. But during his life and even after his death she protected his reputation by concealing his unbelief.

Charles’ Education

Robert Darwin sent his son off to Edinburgh University in 1825. The sixteen-year-old boy found himself in a university community which was in a continual ferment of radicalism of all sorts advanced by dissenters from the Anglican church, freethinkers, anti-Christians and atheists, materialists and evolutionists. Evolution was in the air. Most influential in this phase of Charles Darwin’s life was Robert Grant, a dozen years his senior. Holding the medical degree from Edinburgh, he had made himself the leading British authority in invertebrate zoology. Grant was an avowed atheist, and evolutionist, and also a social and political radical. On zoological field trips with Grant young Charles listened to his persuasive private lecturing but kept his own counsel. Deeply interested in biological science, Charles abhorred medicine The sight of blood sickened him. After two years he returned home without a degree.

Disappointed, father Robert Darwin decided to send him off to Cambridge University for a degree in theology, after which he could purchase for him a “living” in an Anglican country church. There he could be a sportsman, a scholar, or an amateur naturalist, supported by a government stipend for life. Charles dutifully signed onto the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England and entered Cambridge. He surely saw the hypocrisy in an atheist father’s financing his son’s preparation to be a minister of the gospel. Continue reading Charles Darwin’s Hidden Agenda for Science – (re post)

In Two Weeks, “Mathematical Challenges” to Darwin Gets Half a Million Views

ANCIENT PATRIARCHS EDITOR: If it wasn’t for the continuous, voluminous, massive stream of highly illustrated propaganda, daily emanating from the official mainstream TV, Hollywood, Magazines, internet media, academia, Wikipedia spouts, and most scholastic institutes, Yes, they are all in on it. Darwinism would have died a very long time ago. In spite of the few important Darwinian apostates like Dr. Gelernter Darwinism is still very alive in the minds of the uninformed who are gullible enough to fall for the official paradigm. And precisely that shows that this entire flooding of the minds of the masses is totally un-natural. Of course we knew that already for a long time not only about Biology, but about many other fields in Science, Politics, and especially finances. But lets not digress. Mankind is perhaps not “brainwashed” which would exclude free will, but they are definitely not well informed — on purpose — and you don’t need a aluminum hat to come to such a true conclusion. Truth is… the majority of Humanity is flooded by lies. and that is the reason why things are not getting better but worse, as a network of lies fabricate slavery and prisoners, where as the TRUTH does set us free! Are you? ENJOY THE VIDEO!

David Klinghoffer | @d_klinghoffer  August 9, 2019, 12:00 PM

In Florence, Italy, back in June, Stephen Meyer, David Gelernter, and David Berlinski got together with Peter Robinson of the Hoover Institution to talk about “Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.” The episode of Hoover’s interview series, Uncommon Knowledge, has been up now for a little over two weeks and has already amassed more than half a million views on YouTube. Actually, the precise number is 522,800, since July 22. Not bad!

The occasion for their conversation, a delightful hour in length, is Gelernter’s recent essay in The Claremont Review of Books explaining his apostasy from Darwinism. The renowned Yale computer scientist and polymath attributes his change of mind to reading books by Meyer (Darwin’s Doubt, Signature in the Cell) and Berlinski (The Deniable Darwin).

This is a great and quite funny interaction among vivid personalities and profound scientific and humanistic thinkers. As I’ve pointed out already, the interest lies not only in Dr. Gelernter’s personal journey toward evolution skepticism but in his testimony about how Darwinism is enforced among scientists and scholars in American universities.

“You take your life in your hands to challenge it intellectually,” says Professor Gelernter, who ought to know. “They will destroy you if you challenge it.” As our friend Denyse O’Leary notes, this comes from someone who has survived not just life in academia, but a terror attack directed at him personally, by the Unabomber, that cost him the use of a hand and an eye. When someone with that background tells you Darwinists will “destroy you” for criticizing their theory, or they’ll try to do so, I’d take that seriously.

If you missed it, see also Robinson and Berlinski in an outstanding one-on-one discussion about The Deniable Darwin.

Correction: Ha, in the time it took me to write this post, another 500+ people watched Robinson, Meyer, Gelernter, and Berlinski. The number of views now stands at 523,314.



Whatever Happened to Father Crespi’s Collection? Robbed & Disposed off by Quackademics

J. Golden Barton gives his account of visiting father Crespi in Ecuador, and of all the fascinating ancient artifacts he was able to see and photograph. (This was given at the Ancient Historical Research Foundation symposium held a BYU on 5-25-05 http://www.ahrfoundation.com0 Interesting video. I suggest to increase the Speed Setting to 1.25 or 1.50 as this man speaks incredibly slow. Fascinating presentation of Crespi’s Collection before it was stolen, pilfered, melted down, locked away, banned, and bought by the PTSB (Powers That SHouldn’t Be) because it contradicts their fowl global Darwinian deception! Shame on the quackademics!

It shows how small South American regimes/governments are easily bowled over by powerful Western regimes and Darwinian quackademic powers to hand over any treasures that do NOT support the Darwinian official line. You can almost hardly blame them. Perhaps they were even threatened.

Hope and pray that the elongated skulls from Paracas in Peru are safe, but don’t hold your breath, like the giant skeletons from Catalina Island were purged by the fascist Quackademic powers from the museum there. ALL we have left are a few photographs that remain of them. Just like the giant mound culture skeletons gathered, confiscated, spirited away, and probably destroyed by the Smithsonian repressors of true history, only documented in old grainy photos and century old newspaper clipping photographs. People wake up and spread the news while we still can. MUST WATCH! (and be mature & don’t stumble over a Mormon setting BYU) Continue reading Whatever Happened to Father Crespi’s Collection? Robbed & Disposed off by Quackademics

RT – Questions Less – Obfuscates Elongated Skull Find as “Head Binding”

RT -Russia Today – parrots the official Darwinian cover-up of real elongated skulls, in a recent article of Jan 2019. They dare not show the top of the skull as it most likely doesn’t have the sagittal suture at the top but a closed cap instead, like the Paracas skulls from Peru, as the two skulls show below. The skull doesn’t have a normal cc capacity but is bigger than standard skulls, and therefore is not the result of head binding.

It just shows you that mainstream (lame stream) media ON BOTH sides of the political spectrum support fake archaeology as the dickens. Darwinism is THE major plank in the program of the ‘Modernists’ to keep the masses in their unspiritual illusion as it still is the greatest LIE ever told.

Talk about conspiracies! To rob most of humanity of its faith in their very own Creator is the most deadly one of them all! THAT is why it is so consistently and persistently taught in almost ALL schools and universities, all over the world!

The next deception coming down the pipe, is – probably – that these are children of the “aliens” that ‘pansperma’-ted the human race from their faaaaar away home planet, thus moving the creation debate merely off planet into space where nobody can check how the aliens themselves were “evolved.” Problem solved!

If you like to know how these strange skulls really originated, see our other articles on the subject, so I don’t have to repeat myself. And begin to trust your Maker again! He is around forever and actually loves you. Cheers! And don’t trust everything the media cram down your virgin throat, even the Russian ones, supposedly “Questioning Everything?” Ha!


A ***guided Try to Re-Discover Suppressed True History? Remains to be Seen

I had seen the second part of this video below, before, which at the time came across to me as a bit of glorification of the Scythians/Scyths/Sacae/ -those tribes North of the Black Sea and Caucasus, and of their advanced iron- and gold metallurgy, and culture. Asha Logos’, the video creator’s effort appeared to be to shine a more favorable light on their historic achievements which are not greatly or favorably documented by their enemies to the South like the Greeks, and they left no written history behind themselves.

Please know that I am trying to be mild in my treatment of the video below, as it is a sympathetic effort, and right up my alley of exposing academic corruption and suppression of history. If I did not like it I would not have posted it. But I have a few things to add to the narrative presented in it.

Most of what was known of Scythian history came from the accounts by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who visited their territory, but in more recent times we learned more about them by Russians excavating burial mounds in Tyva and Kazakhstan.

The video below IMHO does carry a whiff of white nostalgia, to put it mildly, even though the creator says (paraphrased:) to please not think that he is glorifying the Indo-European race. So, why say it? I guess in light of the Marxist ploy to cut down Europeans to the level of the rest of the world so that they will fit better in the coming NWO dystopia of the WHITE rich control freaks? Ha, the irony. Continue reading A ***guided Try to Re-Discover Suppressed True History? Remains to be Seen

The Latest Elongated Skull Video & Our Different Conclusions than Brien Foerster


Brien Foerster has done tons of research on elongated skulls and this video shows many of the results of his work. Elongated skulls are NOT the result of head-binding cultures, as Darwinian trained archaeologists surmise, as the elongated skulls are elongated from the womb, as the video will show you, and they don’t have the normal sutures on top of the skulls but are closed on top, apart from all the other differences and anomalies. The mystery of course is where did these elongated skull humans originated from?

As much as I admire Brien Foerster’s tenacious research and passion to show (qu)academia that they are …

  1. obfuscating true research into these anomalous skulls
  2.  denying early oceanic crossings of humans & these kind of humans originating in Europe or Middle East around the Caspian and Black Seas..
  3. Ignoring these skulls by NOT subjecting them to rigorous & honest genetic DNA analysis..
  4. confusing the later ‘Indian’ Incas to these skulls via their bogus head binding theory.
  5. etc. etc.

I draw different conclusions than Foerster because we each come from totally different worldviews and scientific paradigms. I will explain:

Brian Foerster, — as many of his fellow travellers, like Matt Childress, Graham Hancock, and other “megalithomaniacs” – as they call themselves — are perhaps alternative in some ways, but still very mainstream in paradigm, in that they are still full-blown Darwinians, inspite of the facts and top scientists that have shredded this bogus theory as a total fantasy and untenable science. See our articles on the subject here on our site. Continue reading The Latest Elongated Skull Video & Our Different Conclusions than Brien Foerster

Wikipedia and Lucifer

By Kevin Boyle

Wikipedia calls Stephen Meyer and Michael Egnor “pseudo-scientists” because they both publicly support the idea of ‘intelligent design’.

‘RationalWiki’ goes further calling Egnor “a promotor of neuro-woo”. [RationalWiki has a “board” of directors who hide behind fake names]

Egnor and Meyer are modern “heretics” who speak out against the dominant establishment scientific doctrine, i.e. ‘materialism’, which asserts that:

Consciousness is an epiphenomenon of electro-chemical activity in the brains of sentient beings. Beyond these neural signals there is no consciousness. Whatsoever.

Thus the most mysterious phenomenon in the universe is reduced to being a by-product of sodium and potassium ions acting across cell membranes and there we have it; it is not consciousness that causes body chemistry, it is body chemistry that causes consciousness.

John Cleese quotes George Orwell regarding this issue when he says here that:

“Only an intellectual is capable of believing such nonsense.”

The question is … why does Wikipedia and every other establishment instrument in the public domain put so much effort into forbidding the idea that there is a ‘God’ that has created the universe?

The answers are fairly obvious but worth stating:

The establishment wants (and needs) us to listen to and obey its authority only.

The world is ruled by Luciferians who want and intend to displace God. They are, essentially, thieves who want to own it all and in order to achieve their goal they must persuade us to silence the voice of God, the Logos, within our very being. Along with everything else they decide what kind of drama we get to watch (e.g. anything on Netflix or, perhaps, predictably PC, arse-aching BBC sh*t like this)

God is love. The love of self and other. The affirmation of all.

Lucifer is love of self and rejection of all that does not serve love of self.

It begins with the illusion that self is source but even the self-love in Lucifer is God’s. Lucifer turns love against its true source. Free beings can do that. We are all capable of buying into the illusion (which is, literally nothing) to the point that we reject and act against the only thing that is real in us.

We, here on earth, need to recognise and know that which is believed by all in heaven.

That we are sources of nothing.

That all the good in us flows in from Heaven, and

All evil in us flows in from hell.

Why would people of faith pray (or agnostics desire the common good) if they did not know this already? The ‘Logos’ (the Divine within) is at work in us whether we are aware of it or not.

In the words of Emanuel Swedenborg, ‘Heaven and Hell’ §302

“I have talked with angels about the conjunction of heaven with the human race, and I said that, while the man of the Church declares that all good is from God, and that angels are with man, yet few believe that angels are conjoined to man, still less that they are in his thought and affection. To this the angels replied that they know that there is such a belief and even such a mode of speaking in the world, and especially, to their surprise, within the Church, where yet there is the Word to teach men about heaven and its conjunction with man.

Nevertheless, there IS such a conjunction that man is unable to think the least thing apart from the spirits adjoined to him, and on this his spiritual life depends. They said that the cause of ignorance of this matter is man’s belief that he lives from himself, without a connection with the Creator of life; and that he does not know that this connection exists by means of the heavens; and yet if that connection were broken man would instantly fall down dead.

If man believed, as is really true, that all good is from the Lord and all evil from hell, he would not make the good in him a matter of merit nor would evil be imputed to him; for he would then look to the Lord in all the good he thinks and does, and all the evil that inflows would be cast down to hell whence it comes. But because man does not believe that there is any influx into him either from heaven or from hell, and so supposes that all the things that he thinks and wills are in himself, and therefore from himself, he appropriates the evil to himself, and the inflowing good he defiles with merit.”

Michael Egnor: The Evidence against Materialism

Stephen Meyer: God and the Origin of the Universe

Tom Campbell: The Implications of Virtual Reality for Humanity


Setterfield Rocks the Gravitational Universe Boat With Plasma Theory & Repercussions on History Time of Universe

We should be open to new ideas, otherwise we tie ourselves to old outdated models, scientific traditions, and authoritarian academic powers that should be updated, thrown out, and forced to admit they are obsolete. Does it happen? No! History shows how hard it is to change worldviews, paradigms, settled “science’, academic traditions, and as a result the popular degenerated views of Man in the masses who drink in mainstream media dis-info like water. (Don’t be like ’em!)

I had heard about Barry Setterfield in connection to Dodwells’ research about the 2345 BC catastrophe (not updated yet), which I – due to my ignorance of more facts – wrongly equated with the year of the Flood. Now I know – thanks to this research by a smart fellow – that the actual time of the Flood was around 500 years earlier, around 3000 BC, and 2345 BC may rather be connected to the division of the continents.

But Barry Setterfield is really rocking the boat, as his plasma model view of the “Electric Universe” is slowly pushing out the gravitational model. Not just that, but he also has been injecting new theories of the geological models that are upsetting the conventional Creationist AND the Darwinian time models of the Universe.

But before I get into that aspect I recommend you to watch his 4 videos of the Plasmic Universe below, and if I get time I will post the 3 catastrophe model of geology below in time to come. So come back, unless you go to his channel and watch them for your self.
(TIP: You can speed up the video in YT Settings up to 2X the original) part 1.

Barry Setterfield from Genesis Science Research presents the first of a two-part series that explains some new developments in astronomy. These developments have the potential of changing a lot of the way astronomers and others are seeing things “out there.”
part 2

Second part of a two-part series that explains some new developments in astronomy. These developments have the potential of changing a lot of the way astronomers and others are seeing things “out there.”   part 3

Barry Setterfield discusses his journey of discovery about the speed of light and astronomical anomalies, from his days at University to the most recent developments, proving that the speed of light has slowed down since the Beginning of TIME!
part 4

History is Written by the Winners! [Also Ancient History by the same control freaks]

Although this video is about World War I  history, yet the question is raised in general, “Who teaches the teachers who teach the students?” And “who chooses the peers of the peer review system? And “who chooses the professors who teach the teachers?” And what influence do the foundations and sponsors of universities have on the academic standards of truth? And who do they represent? Corbett brings out the main culprit of history falsification, Cecil Rhodes of the “Rogue Scholars”, ahem.. I mean, Rhodes Scholars of the Round Table secret society that has ruled England for a century. England has also been the center of spreading the false science of Darwinism into the rest of the world. And that dear Ladies & Gentlemen, has screwed up ANCIENT History BIG time! (See our other articles) MUST WATCH!

Continue reading History is Written by the Winners! [Also Ancient History by the same control freaks]