Archaeologists Find Overwhelming Proofs that the Bible is Truly Historical [VDO]

Dr. Ze’ev Herzog also a professor of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University stated that, “This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the land of Israel: The Israelites were never in Egypt, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel.” BUT……

Inspite of the majority of atheist Israeli archaeologists, like Dr. Finkelstein, archaeologist Dr. Adam Zertal, chairman of the department of archaeology at Tel Aviv University, who used to be an atheist, first believed that “Moses, Joshua, were fictitious characters like Zeus.” But as a conscientious archaeologist, he finally proved to himself that indeed Joshua’s sacrificial altar was real as he found it at Mt. Ebal, and stated that, “if there is an altar on Mt. Ebal… then all the stories in the Bible books of Deuteronomy and Joshua are scientifically true.”

The reactions of the media were of course contrary and kind of bla, but archaeologists did not only find the altar on Mount Ebal near Mt. gerizim, but many more sound proofs of the Bible’s historicity. SEE for yourself and watch this amazing presentation by Don Patton: Continue reading Archaeologists Find Overwhelming Proofs that the Bible is Truly Historical [VDO]

Full Text of Eusebius’ Chronicle Chronicon Proving the Patriarchs & the Flood

[i] Eusebius, (ca. 263-ca. 339) author of the Chronicle translated below, was a major Christian author and cleric of the fourth century. His other writings, many of which have survived, include the Ecclesiastical History, the Life of Constantine, historical, martyrological, apologetic, dogmatic, exegetical, and miscellaneous works. Although originally written in Greek, his important Chronicle (Chronography, or Chronicon) has survived fully only in an Armenian translation of the 5th century, of which our present edition is a translation. A fifth century Latin translation (known as Jerome’s Chronicle) contains only the second part of Eusebius’ two-part work, namely the chronological tables which accompany the text of Book One. Nonetheless, the Latin translation of the chronological tables is invaluable, since the beginning and ending of the corresponding Armenian parts of Book Two are damaged. Reflecting 5th century Armenia’s multi-lingual cultural milieu, Eusebius’ Chronicle initially was translated into Armenian from the original Greek, then corrected using a Syriac edition. During the same period Eusebius’ other influential work, the Ecclesiastical History, was translated into Armenian from the Syriac. From almost the moment of their translation, Eusebius’ works played an important role in the development of Armenian historical writing.

Many of Eusebius’ extant Greek texts were written while the author worked at the library in Caesarea Palestina founded by the scholar Origen (ca. 185–ca. 254), where he had access to numerous works of antiquity which have not survived. Eusebius’ welcome technique of including sometimes lengthy passages from such lost works guaranteed his writings an important place in historical literature, quite apart from his impressive literary and analytical abilities. These general characteristics of Eusebius’ work are particularly highlighted in the Chronicle. The Chronicle was the ancient world’s first systematic, chronologically sound, universal history. It begins with the earliest extant written records available to our author and continues to his own day, that is to the year 325.

Among the sources cited and often quoted from at length are Berosus, Alexander Polyhistor, Abydenus, Josephus, Castor, Diodorus, Cephalion, various named translations of the Bible, the writings of Manetho, Porphyrius, and others. In a brief introduction, Eusebius describes the plan of his work. He proposes to give a prose description of salient events and personalities from the civilizations of the Chaldeans, Assyrians, Medes, Lydians, Persians, Hebrews, Egyptians, and Greeks, plus listings of the Greek Olympiads, and the rulers of the Greek city-states, the Macedonians, and Romans. Continue reading Full Text of Eusebius’ Chronicle Chronicon Proving the Patriarchs & the Flood

The Role of Bias in the Origins Debate – Video by Brian Forbes + Powerpoint

By Brian Forbes

I aim to show that any evidence presented to us will invariably take a back seat to the fertility of the soil in our hearts. It is our bias that determines what we are able to see and accept for evidence.

Bias defined:  An emotional inclination to a particular view. Bias will often influence how you accept or reject evidence. Any position that has allowed for human evaluation will include bias. The question is not if there is bias. The question is what does your bias support. …and I can prove it.

Science is supposed to be based in objectivity – raw facts that lead to unemotional conclusions. The scientific method can be traced through:

  • René Descartes – who rid his mind of all bias
  • Francis Bacon – who described science in terms of cause and effect (experiments)
  • Karl Popper – falsifiability

They defined how we can know things without appealing to feeling. They set limits for “science” or knowledge. If it ain’t falsifiable,
it ain’t science. WATCH! Continue reading The Role of Bias in the Origins Debate – Video by Brian Forbes + Powerpoint

Nennius and the Table of European Nations

Ancient Patriarchs Introduction:
According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, Nennius,

“.. was a Welsh antiquary who between 796 and about 830 compiled or revised the Historia Brittonum, a miscellaneous collection of historical and topographical information including a description of the inhabitants and invaders of Britain and providing the earliest-known reference to the British king Arthur. In the preface to the Historia he describes himself as a disciple of Elvodugus (d. 809), chief bishop in Gwynedd. The Historia Brittonum has survived in about 35 manuscripts, dating from the early 10th to the 13th century. Besides the preface, it contains an account of the six ages of the world, a description of the inhabitants and invaders of Britain, a section on St. Patrick, a list of 12 victories ascribed to Arthur, some Anglian genealogies, and accounts of 28 cities and of various “marvels” in Britain. The fullest manuscript (British Museum Manuscript Harleian 3859) also contains two later interpolations. The controversy as to whether Nennius himself composed the Historia Brittonum or merely adapted and edited an earlier version is still unresolved.”

Continue reading Nennius and the Table of European Nations

‘THE ORIGIN OF THE ARMENIANS’ by F. Michael Chamich English text


BY FATHER MICHAEL CHAMICH From BC 2247 to the year of Christ 1780, or 1229 of the Armenian era. Translated from the original Armenian by Johannes Avdal, esq.

The Armenians are an ancient people who live in an ancient land. Their home lies in the highlands surrounding the biblical mountains of Ararat, upon which tradition tells us Noah’s ark came to rest after the flood. (Gen. 8:4). In those highlands, the Armenian state has struggled to exist for more than 3000 years, most recently regaining independence in September 1991 upon the fall of the Soviet Union. Armenia’s more than 2780-year-old capital, Yerevan, derives its name from the fortress of Erebuni, founded on that site in 782 BC. On Yerevan’s streets, the people speak a distinctive Indo-European language upon which their ancestors put the stamp of their identity 5000 or more years ago.


After the universal deluge, the three sons of Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth, fixed themselves for a period in the country about Mount Ararat, upon which, it will be recollected by all conversant with ancient tradition, that the ark of their highly favoured parent first settled on the subsiding of the waters. Here they multiplied considerably, and the anger of the Almighty against the sinful children of men, being appeased, fertility again covered the face of the earth, and peace and joy once more took possession of the bosoms of its inhabitants. Shem was the first to break the intimate union which subsisted between the families of his brethren and his own. Observing the rapidity with which the little community increased, he assembled his family, and communicating to the several members of it his intentions, he bade adieu to his brethren, and accompanied by his offspring, set out in a north-westerly direction, in search of a more commodious place of abode. In the course of a few days journey he arrived at the base of a lofty mountain, bounded by an extensive plain, and delightfully watered by a river, which passed through the middle of it. He rested two months on the banks of this river, and gave the neighbouring mountain the name of Shem, after himself. At the expiration of this period he resumed his journey, turning toward the south-east, leaving Taron, one of his younger sons, to settle in the country about the mountain to which he had given his name. The latter, on taking possession of his allotted inheritance, gave the land the name of Taron. It was subsequently called Taruberan. He then distributed to his several children portions of territory, all of which became, in course of time, populous provinces. Continue reading ‘THE ORIGIN OF THE ARMENIANS’ by F. Michael Chamich English text

FAKE NEWS! Smithsonians NEVER admitted their destruction of giant skeletons

Organicandhealthy, worldnewsdailyreport,  theeventchronicle, lunaticoutpost, truthorficton, the, and many other fake websites are repeating this hoax news that the AIAA or ‘American Institute for Alternative Archaeology’ sued the Smithsonian Institute in the early 1900-s. 

The AIAA does not even exist now, nor did it ever exist in the past. These websites are controlled opposition creating a straw-man and a ‘red herring’ to obfuscate the true history that the Smithsonians during the 19th and 20th century the Smithsonians did INDEED take most, if not all, giant skeletons found in America, so-called for “more research”, only to never be heard of again! And that was & is REAL news as reported even by the New York Times itself in those early days as well as in numerous other newspapers.
Continue reading FAKE NEWS! Smithsonians NEVER admitted their destruction of giant skeletons

ShiJi 史記 Annals of the Xia 夏本紀 The Story of Da Yu – English translation

Another part of the Shi Ji annals  written by the Han historian Sima Qian a century before the time of Jesus. Shima Qian referred to ancient sources in his writings, that are not extant anymore.  This chapter is about Yu the Great – Da Yu – whose father Gun failed to control the post Flood swelling lakes and rivers, and paid for it with his life! He was slain by ZhuRong

Yu his son took over the job, not just to save his own life, but most likely to save his family’s honour and reputation. Yu was known for his unswerving fealty to the emperor Shun that compelled him to finish the job, not even considering to return to his wife and children, even though he passed by his home in the course of his labours. For his faithfulness the Emperor chose him as his successor and Yu became the founder of he Xia dynasty.

Shi Ji – ‘Annals of the Xia’  by Sima Qian – 100 BC

Yu of Xia was styled Wenming. Yu’s father was Gun, whose father was the Emperor Zhuanxu, whose father was Changyi, whose father was Huangdi; so Yu was Huangdi’s great-great-grandson, and Zhuanxu’s grandson. Yu’s great-grandfather Changyi and his father Gun were both unable to sit on the Imperial throne, being simply officials. (see our diagram below)

Continue reading ShiJi 史記 Annals of the Xia 夏本紀 The Story of Da Yu – English translation

“The Eight” Flood Survivors in Global Deluge Legends A Shared Human Memory

A big percentage of the – by now – over 700 global Flood legends, mentioned exactly eight people who were spared and survived. It is uncanny that this number is handed down as fact so uniformly, instead of ten or five or some other random number.

EGYPT: In ancient Egypt one Flood hero was Toth who survived the Deluge along with his Seven Sages.

The Egyptian ‘Ogdoad (does the Latin word for 8 ‘octo’ from that?) were a group of eight survivors led by the main character Nun and his wife Naunet. Nun or Nu (Noah) is pictured in Egyptian art as upholding his boat with the seven other survivors here:

Continue reading “The Eight” Flood Survivors in Global Deluge Legends A Shared Human Memory

New Research: Dinosaur bones only tens of thousands years old, not millions!

Well, the REAL research results are in, and guess what, it’s of course studiously ignored by mainstream ‘historians’, ‘biologists’, and media naturally!  Empirical research from the ‘Georgia Center of Applied Isotope Studies’ on the collagen breakdown of dinosaur bones has come to the (for us not so) startling conclusion that dinosaurs are only at the most some tens of thousands years old, not millions.

Wasn’t the “65 million yr. old extinction” of the ‘dinos’ – for 5 millennia called dragons! – the first building block of Darwinian morphology of species, as promoted in the 18 hundreds by English banker scion John Lubbock?  Well it seems, metaphorically speaking, that this “rusted  T-Ford” of supposed “Macro-Evolution” on which all later ‘evolutionary models’ were based ostensibly, appears to still stand around,  in an old weed-overgrown garage from the roaring twenties, rather than in some mythical prehistory that never existed.

Continue reading New Research: Dinosaur bones only tens of thousands years old, not millions!

The Ancient German History of Tuitsch or Deutsch Most Germans Aren’t Allowed to Know!

COMPENDIUM OF WORLD HISTORY VOLUME 2 A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty of the Ambassador College Graduate School of Education In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy by Herman L. Hoeh – 1963


The first volume of the COMPENDIUM OF WORLD HISTORY exposed the radical new interpretation of history now taught on all levels of modern education. It revealed the fallacy of the “historical method.” It explained WHY God is left out of history.

Volume I restored the history of ancient Egypt, of Assyria and Babylonia, of Media and India, of Greece, Ireland and Britain. This volume completes that restoration. For the first time, in this second volume, the early history of Europe will be made plain. Its connection with the New World, with American Indian civilization, with the early
Biblical heroes is an astounding revelation.



The time has come to reveal the true history of Europe.

The Germans for centuries have dominated the heartland of Western Europe. Because of the geographic position Germany’s transportation lines constitute the vital arteries of the continent. Without the beating of the German heart, Europe would lose its economic and political prominence in world affairs.

Ancient Roman writers would have us believe that the Germans in the Roman heyday were mere barbarians, an insignificant people roaming the forests of northern Europe.
Was this Roman report the whole truth? Were the ancient Roman writers keeping back from their people the facts of German history?

Rome conquered Spain, Gaul, Southern Britain, all North Africa to the Sahara, Illyria, Greece, Asia to the Euphrates. But Rome had to draw its boundary in the north along the Rhine. Why? Why was Rome not able to subdue all Germany? Why, after centuries of bloodshed, did Rome finally succumb to the hammer blows of the Germanic Goths and Vandals? It is high time we were told the true history of early Germany.

The origin of the German people in Europe is rooted in patriarchal times. The history of early Germany, suppressed by the Romans, was revived briefly in the German-dominated Middle Ages. But before the close of the seventeenth century not even the Germans remembered their past. It had been stamped out in the name of education and religion. Continue reading The Ancient German History of Tuitsch or Deutsch Most Germans Aren’t Allowed to Know!