Tag Archives: Atlantis

Detailed Scientific Geological Biological Historical Study on Global Flood of Noah

The Best movie explaining Noah’s Flood Ever made?

This is a pretty good scientific video on the historical global Flood. I am sure the maker has visited our blog as he uses some of our graphics and maybe got a few ideas from our articles. He also doesn’t try to use a mainly Bible quoting stratagem, although he does in the beginning just a little and at the end.

But he dives into the details of geological proofs, that the Flood is THE best explanation of the geological features of our planet, that the fault lines are THE evidence and cause of the Floodwaters coming from beneath the crust. Unfortunately he must not have watched Nathan Hoffman’s video about the new Flood date of the 3000 BC Flood, based on the Greek Septuagint translation, but still sticks to a 2.350 BC some flood.

I noticed though that he didn’t mention the hydro-plate and hydro-planing theory of Walt Brown which I do support, whereas he does support the subduction theory of the plates that appear as lava and are expulsed at the mid-oceanic rifts and then disappear under the land crust to be remelted. I am not a geologist enough, but I have heard and read some voices that do NOT support that for a lack of evidence, which I kind of agreed with.


I am not a trained geologist, so I wouldn’t be able to put it into the proper words. But I wonder about subduction because I don’t know how many thousands or “millions” of years would be necessary to divide the continents, IF subduction was the mechanism. If it really was/is “subduction” as Darwinians believe that it took lo-o-o-ong ages to accomplish the continental divide, then it would not be a sudden division as Walt Brown suggests it was, also based on Genesis of course that may suggest that the continental division was a relatively short term event. IF super-slow subduction was the mechanism then it must have greatly slowed down since the parting of the continents event, or Raw Matt – the maker of the video – would have some other reason to support it that we don’t know? Matt Raw waddouyousay? Mostly  great video though. Kudos! Besides our graphics did you get any ideas here Matt from our writings? Would love to know!

Our continental divide views here, are more based on Walt Brown’s science and study, and our own theory that the “division of the Earth” during Phaleg (Septuagint) or Peleg’s days refers to the drifting apart of the continents. Why!

Because IMHO the continents could not have drifted apart as stable units or solid enough entities, right at the end of the Flood year, to travel quickly and to rise up as stacks that wouldn’t collapse in onto itself to form mountain ranges, as they wouldn’t be dry enough yet to stay intact and act as one unit to slide or hydroplane away from each other when the basalt Moho began to rise and form the mid oceanic rift – which must have taken some more time than a mere few months – in and below the fault line, which caused the plates to start hydro-planing away from each other.

I don’t know what kind of mechanism he would support & refer to to explain the sliding? On what? If water, then he would support Walt Brown’s theory. Why doesn’t he mention it? Is he shy to refer to Brown because Brown was attacked by some Creationists with big websites, and he wanted to evade the ‘shame’? I don’t know. Maybe he will tell us in some comment when he sees this article. I’d be interested to hear.

Our view is then that Peleg’s division of the Earth may refer to the geological earth during the continental dividing that must have happened perhaps around 2600 BC, a few centuries (400 yrs. according to original Pentateuch in the Septuagint & the Samaritan Pentateuch) after the 3000 BC Flood, to give the continents enough time to dry out enough to act as a unit and form mountain shelves that wouldn’t collapse but stay intact enough, yet not too dry to prevent the folding of the strata without cracking, which are observed in the strata folding pictures below, where no cracks are observed at all.

But, as I said, I am a geological layman and probably don’t use all the proper terminology and so on. But to me it makes perfect sense that the ‘muddy’ continents had to dry out somewhat before they would start traveling and forming super high mountains.

That division of the crustal plates is also supported by the facts that – for example- the first tribe of kangaroos and other marsupials had time to flee the preying lion tribes and were able to escape & travel to Australia where they found safety from such predators and were eventually isolated by the ‘continental divide’ and much later as well,  by the 1500 BC sea level rise that fully separated Australia from South East Asia. It also flooded Atlantis, Doggerland, Sunda land, Land of Mu, and southern Indian lands like Kumari Kandam, and other places.

Doggerland! Ignore the wrong dating!

So these are some of our reasons to believe the ‘division of the Earth’ took place not at the end of the ± 3000 BC Flood Year, but perhaps 4 centuries later. Which would also give reason to believe that the first pan-world megalithic culture – probably of giants – were able to leave their megalithic structures all over the world, as they were able to hop over or get around the fault-lines to move from continent to continent to built their monstrosities.

Case in point would be the port-like structures of Puma Punka and Lake Titicaca (see pic below) that BOTH used to be at sea level and were raised into the air several thousands of meters. In the process they were destroyed and broken and the giants probably killed and buried by severe land slides and/or earthquakes. If my theory of a 400 year post Flood physical division of the Earth is true, then that would explain that Puma Punku was built after the Flood and not before the Flood, as Matt Raw believes.

Another proof that Puma Punku was built after the Flood is because of its bronze links between the stones which are also found in many other megalithic ruins in South America, Egypt, as well as many other places. Also if the Puma Punku remains on deeper strata like limestone that would discredit that it was built before the Flood, following the same proof that the Giza pyramids were not built before the Flood as they stand on limestone deposits from the Flood.

But who knows. it all happened 5000 years ago, and that is a mighty long time, so we can’t get dogmatic about our theories, unless they are based on direct proofs & empirical evidence a la Karl Popper. Maybe we are both wrong. You see, I have been wrong before, you know?  🙂

All in all, this Matt’s 2019 video, fills in a lot of empty spaces in the true historical  narrative that outwits the Darwinian one 1000 to 1 , and no one knows it all. God bless Matt. Job well done! Every year new historical details of TRUE Non-Darwinian History Science are discovered collectively by many researchers, and we are slowly winning the information war, even though we don’t control big media.

One other thing about Lake Titicaca not being salty like the oceans now, is based on the theory that the Antediluvian ocean was not or much less salty than today’s oceans having 5000 years of run off ever since.  If its salt percentage is very small, it could be the result of 1650 years of pre-Flood civilisation run-offs in rivers only, as it didn’t even rain yet before the Flood.

These giants (Nephilim descendants) probably didn’t like to stay around the more civilised, still God-fearing, tribes in the Middle East like Noah and his son Shem’s offspring, as they righteously cramped these cannibals’ style. So that may have been a reason for them to soon move & split the scene to get out of the cultural and religious Mesopotamian center of human birth.

Cham/Ham’s progeny like Kana-an mingled with giants, as reported by Moses in Genesis, and cooperated with them in Canaan and Syria until Joshua and the Israelites made short shrift of them and the surviving giants most likely fled the scene to at first plant themselves in Cyprus, Malta, then Sardinia, and later crossed the Atlantic to begin the Mississippi valley giant Adena cultures and then spread even farther away to Catalina Island, the Aleutian Islands, Fiji islands like Rotuma, and many other Pacific islands where their giant graves are still found today.

Well that’s it for today. Hope you enjoyed our musings and theories and let us know what you think. I sometimes need time to allow comments as I have other activities that are more important, and I check every comment on its merits, as I don’t like trolls.

Stay safe. Don’t fall for the dangerous mRNA injections that have already killed thousands of people and injured many other thousands all over the world. You can get a small sample of these thousands of casualties in the British VAERS reports, but they might only form ONE percent of all cases, as it has been statistically proven that perhaps only ONE percent gets eventually reported. Peace Out!

2000 Yr. Old Greek Antikythera Computer Defeats Caveman Nonsense & Stumps Darwinist Historians

There is a YouTube comment under the ‘must watch‘ video below, that says, “They ‘handpick’ which ‘discoveries’ are revealed! Some discoveries are much more incredible but hidden and never told about! This is actually nothing in comparison to what they are hiding!
I am afraid this observation is very true, when one just thinks of the Vatican who refuses to reveal all secret artefacts & documents in its vast underground vaults. This article will explain why.

The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient hand powered Greek analogue computer which has also been described as the first example of such a device used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendar and astrological purposes decades in advance. It could also be used to track the four-year cycle of athletic games which was similar to an Olympiad, the cycle of the ancient Olympic Games.

This artefact was retrieved from the sea in 1901, and identified on 17 May 1902 as containing a gear by archaeologist Valerios Stais, among wreckage retrieved from a shipwreck off the coast of the Greek island Antikythera. The instrument is believed to have been designed and constructed by Greek scientists and has been variously dated to about 87 BC, or between 150 and 100 BC, or to 205 BC, or to within a generation before the shipwreck, which has been dated to approximately 70–60 BC.

The device, housed in the remains of a 34 cm × 18 cm × 9 cm (13.4 in × 7.1 in × 3.5 in) wooden box, was found as one lump, later separated into three main fragments which are now divided into 82 separate fragments after conservation efforts. Four of these fragments contain gears, while inscriptions are found on many others. The largest gear is approximately 14 centimeters (5.5 in) in diameter and originally had 223 teeth.

It is a complex clockwork mechanism composed of at least 30 meshing bronze gears. A team led by Mike Edmunds and Tony Freeth at Cardiff University used modern computer x-ray tomography and high resolution surface scanning to image inside fragments of the crust-encased mechanism and read the faintest inscriptions that once covered the outer casing of the machine.

Detailed imaging of the mechanism suggests that it had 37 gear wheels enabling it to follow the movements of the Moon and the Sun through the zodiac, to predict eclipses and even to model the irregular orbit of the Moon, where the Moon’s velocity is higher in its perigee than in its apogee. This motion was studied in the 2nd century BC by astronomer Hipparchus of Rhodes, and it is speculated that he may have been consulted in the machine’s construction.

The knowledge of this technology was lost at some point in antiquity. Similar technological works later appeared in the medieval Byzantine and Islamic worlds, but works with similar complexity did not appear again until the development of mechanical astronomical clocks in Europe in the fourteenth century. All known fragments of the Antikythera mechanism are now kept at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, along with a number of artistic reconstructions and replicas of the mechanism to demonstrate how it may have looked and worked. WATCH THIS AMAZING DISCOVERY.. Continue reading 2000 Yr. Old Greek Antikythera Computer Defeats Caveman Nonsense & Stumps Darwinist Historians

Who Built New England’s Megalithic Monuments? [Proof of suppressed Pre-Columbian ocean Travel]

America’s StonehengeINTRO BY JAMES NIENHUIS:

Uniformitarians hate to talk about the Mystery Hill megalithic complex near Salem, Massachusetts, covering 30 acres, of megalithic standing stones, walls, and chambers, it reminds the experts of the constructions built by the Celts and Iberians across the Atlantic ocean circa 1000 b. c. and before. Google search The Mysterious Megaliths of New England by Paul Tudor Angel to see the evidence, corroborating the work of Barry Fell almost fifty years ago, that Phoenicians, Israelites, and Celts were navigating the Atlantic, certainly after the Ice Age when the Mystery Hill Complex was built, and before (1500 BC) as well, when western Europe was of the Atlantean empire.

By Paul Tudor Angel

In “The Mysterious Megaliths of New England,” (in the last issue of PVQ) we discussed the ancient megalithic constructions found throughout New England (most notably at Mystery Hill, near North Salem, New Hampshire) and their striking resemblance to those found in Europe. In this issue we discuss the thousands of mysterious inscriptions that have been found and are continuing to be found from New England to California and the clues these writings have given us about the builders of the megalithic calendar sites of the American Northeast.

For generations, farmers and explorers have been finding what they assumed were random incisions on stones throughout the Northeast United States. Very little was thought of the odd rocks until archeologist and language specialist Barry Fell, the man singularly responsible for bringing the importance of these scratches to national attention in his monumental work America, B.C., recognized they were ancient writings and actually deciphered one of these inscriptions in 1967. Continue reading Who Built New England’s Megalithic Monuments? [Proof of suppressed Pre-Columbian ocean Travel]

The Basques Mystery

Who are the Basques? The Basques are a people who live in a small region (about the size of Rhode Island) that straddles the border of Spain and France from the sea in the west into the Pyrenees in the east. This area is called Euskal Herria (comprising seven provinces, historically: Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, and Navarra on the Spanish side; Laburdi, Zuberoa, and Behe-Nafarroa on the French side). Basques speak a language called euskara, but today only about 25% of the population is fluent in that tongue. Even so, the word for a Basque person, euskaldun, means “possessor of the Basque language.” The Basque population is distinguished physically by a high incidence of Rh Negative factor in the blood.

There are strong reasons to believe that the Basques living between France and Spain in and around the Pyrenees mountain range that divides them, were some of the survivors of the thallasocracy (sea empire) of Atlantis, much of which disappeared under the sea around 1500 BC, when the ocean levels were raised 125 M (300 ft) as the ice caps on land melted at the end of the true, only unique, Ice Age. A corroborating fact is that a popular Basque ball game is very similar to a ball game played in Mexico by the Mayans.

The videos below by Robert Sepher are very well done. Although I do not subscribe to his politics, they are very informative and well researched. Please enjoy his videos about the origins of the Basques, the Scots, the Irish (who seem to have a connection with an Egyptian princess) and other ancient bloodlines and civilisations. Definitely very thought provoking. Continue reading The Basques Mystery

UPDATED! What’s The Cover Up About Antarctica? Not jumping to conclusions!

Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised that they did find something there under that Antarctic ice cover. Look at the pyramid above. All these famous guys going down there, obviously to see some amazing sights, the secret big issue, because obviously they are not going to let us in on it, if ever. But John Kerry, Putin, patriarch Krill, Buzz Aldrin, and some other guys, just couldn’t control their curiosity and just had to get their passes to get their asses down there to behold the spectacle.

Sure, it may just be a former U-boat base or a German UFO base of under the ice, the old Schwaben Land, but who knows, maybe it is more mundane then that! As I am very interested in all the historical cover-ups and forbidden archaeology, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit that they found stuff that is not good for mass consumption, because it would defy the dumb fake theory of Darwinism? Because that is what all the historical cover-ups are all about, to protect the “theory of evolution!” Continue reading UPDATED! What’s The Cover Up About Antarctica? Not jumping to conclusions!

Giant human skeleton found in Pulau Upeh Malacca Malaysia


Giants, giants, giants… everywhere!

Now in Malacca in an island Pulau Upeh in Malaysia, Did you ever hear from academics in the history department that evidence of giants had been found in South East Asia? Most certainly not! Not from mainstream historians that is.

But Malaysia is surely not the first place giant skeletons or graves have been found. Skeletons have been found all over the Pacific and graves, like in Rotuma (see top picture), sightings even in the Solomon Islands, as well as the find of one of the most giant skulls ever, in the Aleutian islands, and giant remains in Hawaii. See news article below:

Continue reading Giant human skeleton found in Pulau Upeh Malacca Malaysia

Sunken Civilizations Secrets of Lost Cities Underwater Full Documentary

As Greg in the documentary says, this Bimini Road is the biggest stumbling block for History, and that they don’t want to talk about, that before 3500 BP or 1500 BC, the Bimini Road was above water. It was probably a break water dam, and shows that the ocean level was much lower then. In the days when Atlantis sank under the sea!

Greg says, that if only Mainstream Historians would be a little bit more flexible and receptive they would see that that Bimini breakwater is pretty big and therefore could have handled many big ships, and it did, long before the days of Columbus when cross ocean travel was the order of the day! But that also is suppressed information!

What Greg and these others fail to realise and see, is that Mainstream historians are actually not “skeptics” at all, but really don’t want to discuss the entire issue, but rather bury it! Why!

Because it would prove things that are not conducive for the old paralytic paradigm, Darwinism! According to Darwinism there was no Flood, and no recent Ice Age, nor the 1500 BC catastrophic melting of the global ice caps, which caused not only the sinking of Atlantis, and Yonaguni, but of so many other areas and coast lands around the entire world!


You see, such a strong acknowledgement of these phenomena is politically not convenient, and therefore NOT “politically correct” also, which means in simple words: JUST NOT ALLOWED! OFF LIMITS! WHY! Continue reading Sunken Civilizations Secrets of Lost Cities Underwater Full Documentary

Another Soviet Cover-Up? Did the Russians Find Atlantis?

ANCIENT PATRIARCHS INTRODUCTION: The writer of the article about the Atlantis find below, believes that the cover-up of this sunken island of the Ampere Seamount was due to “Chernobyl and a cover-up of Soviet scientsts’ inaptitude.” But, obviously not only the Soviets covered up the find, but also the American submarine crew who was threatened to never speak a word about the walls and man made artifacts found on Ampere, after they spotted the Soviets and came to investigate what they were doing there.

The REAL reason for the cover-ups and silence of both powers is that Atlantis is not just ‘politically incorrect’, but Atlantis is a banned and anathema subject because it does not jive with the prescribed secular humanist narrative of preferred Darwinism that both super powers ascribe to and support the spreading of it. Why? Because they are both anti spirituality & religion, as that makes people “independent thinkers” from them, who do not subscribe to either party’s One World Government plans. A OWG needs a pacified population that fully supports the new religion of politicised Science instead of a religion of an inconvenient God.  Enjoy the submarine discovery!

It Could Be Time for a Fresh Look at Forgotten Reports – By Martin Ruggles

Thirty-eight years ago, steel leviathans silently, invisibly stalked each other in the dark, light-less depths of the North Atlantic with nuclear-warhead torpedoes. More than once, their near-miss encounters almost made of the Cold War a hot one, and unofficial accusations of submarines on both sides deliberately sunk with all hands, are still around, nearly four decades later. Into this fearsome arena and time, stealthily cruised the Moskovsky Universitet, ostensibly a research ship, as her scholarly name was meant to suggest. Continue reading Another Soviet Cover-Up? Did the Russians Find Atlantis?

Canaan’s Power Peaked Then Climate Change Plunge

Power of Canaan in Middle East Expanded, Peaking Hammurabi in Babylon, Later Climate Change Plunge

By James Nienhuis

Canaan (a son of Ham) and his progeny ruled the Holy Land during the Ice Age, as well as much of the western Mediterranean by ship having established Atlantis too, (by Canaan’s son Sidon/Posidon). Heth (another son of Canaan) was the progenitor of the Hittites having controlled much of eastern Anatolia. Also Sin (another son) in the Sinai and eastward by circa 1750 B. C.

The Amorites (progeny of Canaan) having begun a dynasty at Babylon, climaxed with the dominant rule of Hammurabi. But circa 1500 B.C. that Canaanite dominance in much of the ancient world came to an end, when their seaports were submerged by the risen sea level, and much of the land in the Middle East turned to desert, beginning at the time of the Exodus of the Jews out of Egypt when the Ice Age was ending.

Continue reading Canaan’s Power Peaked Then Climate Change Plunge

The Vendidad Spoke About A Recent Ice Age Which Made the Aryans Migrate South!

“O splendid Yima, towards the sacred Aryan land will rush evil as a severe fatal winter; evil will rush as thick snow flakes falling in increased depth. From the three directions will wild and ferocious animals attack, arriving from the most dreadful sites.”

“Before this winter, any snow that fell would melt and convey the water away. Now the snow will not melt (but will form the Polar ice cap). In this place, O Yima the corporeal world will be DAMAGED. Before in this seedland the grass was so soft the footprint of even a small animal could be observed. Now, there will be no footprints discernible at all on the packed sheets of hard ice that will form.”

Modern academia, whether it be geology or history puts the Ice Age way back to 12-, 20-, 50- or even 80.000 years BP! (Before Present) They first of all support their long ago narratives by wrongly interpreting the ice cores’ dark and light sequences’ record as índications for “years”, whereas in fact they are merely evidence of warm melting – and cold freezing periods. But you can’t fight city hall expecting them to change policy.

They also postulated that there is no evidence of a recent Ice Age in documented history, but perhaps they never read the “Vendidad”. The “Vendidad”, the ancient scriptures of the Zoroastrians, mentions that their ancient Aryan homeland used to be way up North in what we’d now call Siberia’s Arctic, but that they were forced to migrate southward, because of an ice age that overtook them!


Continue reading The Vendidad Spoke About A Recent Ice Age Which Made the Aryans Migrate South!