Tag Archives: Mt. Ararat

Turkish-Chinese Expedition Claim Finding Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat Was Fraudulent Hoax

CHINESE DISCOVERY REPORT I have been asked about a joint Turkish-Chinese expedition that claimed to have found Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat in Turkey. They took pictures of what they alleged were inside a  structure that contained wooden beams carbon-dated to  4,800 years old.

However, a member of the expedition, Dr Randall Price,  reports:

“I was the archaeologist with the Chinese expedition in  the summer of 2008 and was given photos of what they now  are reporting to be the inside of the Ark. “I and my partners invested $100,000 in this expedition,  which they have retained, despite their promise and our  requests to return it, since it was not used for the  expedition.

“The information given below is my opinion based on what  I have seen and heard (from others who claim to have been  eyewitnesses or know the exact details).

“To make a long story short: this is all reported to be a  fake. The photos were reputed to have been taken off site  near the Black Sea, but the film footage the Chinese now  have was shot on location on Mt. Ararat.

Continue reading Turkish-Chinese Expedition Claim Finding Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat Was Fraudulent Hoax

‘THE ORIGIN OF THE ARMENIANS’ by F. Michael Chamich English text


BY FATHER MICHAEL CHAMICH From BC 2247 to the year of Christ 1780, or 1229 of the Armenian era. Translated from the original Armenian by Johannes Avdal, esq.

The Armenians are an ancient people who live in an ancient land. Their home lies in the highlands surrounding the biblical mountains of Ararat, upon which tradition tells us Noah’s ark came to rest after the flood. (Gen. 8:4). In those highlands, the Armenian state has struggled to exist for more than 3000 years, most recently regaining independence in September 1991 upon the fall of the Soviet Union. Armenia’s more than 2780-year-old capital, Yerevan, derives its name from the fortress of Erebuni, founded on that site in 782 BC. On Yerevan’s streets, the people speak a distinctive Indo-European language upon which their ancestors put the stamp of their identity 5000 or more years ago.


After the universal deluge, the three sons of Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth, fixed themselves for a period in the country about Mount Ararat, upon which, it will be recollected by all conversant with ancient tradition, that the ark of their highly favoured parent first settled on the subsiding of the waters. Here they multiplied considerably, and the anger of the Almighty against the sinful children of men, being appeased, fertility again covered the face of the earth, and peace and joy once more took possession of the bosoms of its inhabitants. Shem was the first to break the intimate union which subsisted between the families of his brethren and his own. Observing the rapidity with which the little community increased, he assembled his family, and communicating to the several members of it his intentions, he bade adieu to his brethren, and accompanied by his offspring, set out in a north-westerly direction, in search of a more commodious place of abode. In the course of a few days journey he arrived at the base of a lofty mountain, bounded by an extensive plain, and delightfully watered by a river, which passed through the middle of it. He rested two months on the banks of this river, and gave the neighbouring mountain the name of Shem, after himself. At the expiration of this period he resumed his journey, turning toward the south-east, leaving Taron, one of his younger sons, to settle in the country about the mountain to which he had given his name. The latter, on taking possession of his allotted inheritance, gave the land the name of Taron. It was subsequently called Taruberan. He then distributed to his several children portions of territory, all of which became, in course of time, populous provinces. Continue reading ‘THE ORIGIN OF THE ARMENIANS’ by F. Michael Chamich English text


By Robert Bowie jr.

I had the good fortune of coming across the book, The Stars: A New Way to See Them by H. A. Rey some time ago. Rey’s book helped me understand the relationship between the earth’s daily rotation, its yearly revolution around the sun, and the place and appearance of the constellations. When I share my knowledge of the night sky with others, I begin by asking if anyone in the group can find the North Star because it is our frame of reference for what appears elsewhere. Almost invariably, someone in the group says, “The North Star is the brightest star, right?” Polaris is certainly visible to the naked eye, but as a second magnitude star in Ursa Minor, it is very far from the brightest, the Dog Star Sirius. There is no logical reason to assume that the earth’s axis conveniently points to the brightest star, yet people make that unwarranted assumption quite often.

        A similar illogical and unwarranted assumption prevails relating to the landing spot of Noah’s ark. People—highly educated people—are sure that Noah’s ark landed on the remote and inaccessible heights of Mount Ararat, a 17,000-foot volcanic mountain in modern-day Turkey. The Book of Genesis does not say that the ark landed near the top of Ararat, or even on Ararat, but rather “on the mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4).

Continue reading WHERE NOAH’S ARK LANDED

Who was ‘Huang Di’ the Yellow Emperor? Where the Chinese came from!


Originally posted on our former blog the Paradise Post 10 Dec 2014

what-is-mythINTRO: We apply the Euhemerist approach for historical origins — that thank God modern Chinese scholars also follow now — and so take “myths” serious as ’embellished legends’ that carry a factual believeancientsourcewpcore of true historical original characters who became super-naturally glorified via man worship & deification. We do not accept the Darwinian dogma (as Wicked Pedia uses) that the ancients purposely spun unfounded wild tales about themselves creating fictional primo-patriarchs, especially considering the fact chiyou-hansourcethat these legendary characters are mentioned by other ethne as well. Case in point: Chi You(蚩尤) patriarch Txiv Yawg of 12 Miao (Hmong) tribes, was mentioned by Chinese as the son of Yan Di(炎帝), albeit with different spelling, and without deification, of course, depicted as an ‘enemy’ defeated by Huang Di at the Battle of Zhuolu. (proof is in the Han dynasty relief on the right here compared to a nicer Hmong statue below)chiyou-txivyawg

HuangDi-YellowEmperor1-201x300[Sect.1 by Ulrich Theobald, diagram & sect. 2 by Lu.]
The Yellow Emperor (Huang Di 黃帝) is considered to be the ancestor of the Chinese people. The clan of the Yellow Emperor (Huangdi zu 黃帝族) aShaanXi-West-of-Shannd the clan of Yan Di his brother (Yandi zu 炎帝族), are thought to have represented the Qijia culture 齊家文化 in modern Gansu and Shaanxi provinces.

Later the tribes obviously moved east to found the cultures of the Central Plain 中原 as basic cultures of Chinese civilization, with a people later named 華夏 (or simply Hua 華 or Xia 夏) who founded China’s first dynasty, the Xia 夏 under ‘Da Yu’ the Great!

Another descendant of the Yellow Emperor’s clan is a clan with the surname Ji 姬 who later founded the Zhou Dynasty 周. Ancestorship of the Yellow Emperor was often construed to obtain legitimation for rulership. Even non-Chinese tribes would later claim their descendency from the Yellow Emperor. Continue reading Who was ‘Huang Di’ the Yellow Emperor? Where the Chinese came from!