Tag Archives: Ica stones

The Persecution of Dr. Javier Cabrera’s Ica Stones With Dinosaur Glyphs

javiercabrera-museum-peru The Engraved Stones of Ica, Peru — On my first trip to the coastal desert I met Dr. Javier Cabrera at his private museum in the village of Ica, located just north of the famous Nazca Lines. Dr. Cabrera showed me his immense collection of ancient carved Stones that he called “gliptoliths.” The Stones comprise a sophisticated library left behind by an ancient lost civilization including images of medical transplants and blood transfusions, men with dinosaurs, and advanced technology such as telescopes and surgical equipment. The library is organized by subject matter including the races of man, ancient animals, lost continents, and the knowledge of a global catastrophe.
– Kathy Doore, author “Markawasi: Peru’s Inexplicable Stone Forest”


The Ica Stones – The mysterious collection of Dr. Javier Cabrera
and the implications of the message of the stones

In the town of Ica, Peru there is a unique collection of over 11,000 stones that were collected, organized, and analyzed by Dr. Javier Cabrera Darquea. His home has become a museum for these strange artifacts, which are engraved with scenes of an ancient people, and are believed to be an encyclopedia of ancient knowledge. Amazingly, some of the scenes show things which most mainstream archeologists believe to be impossible, including man interacting with dinosaurs, performing complex medical procedures (brain surgeries, heart transplants, genetic experimentation, etc.), and depictions of the Earth’s continents as they were millions of years in the past. An unfortunate (and untrue) branding of the stones as a hoax early on has dissuaded what little genuine scientific curiosity made it past the barriers of the status quo. However, it is the opinion of Dr. Cabrera, myself, and others that the stones are indeed genuine, and that their antiquity is proof of a previously unknown ancient civilization whose existence has been lost to history. All that remains is a record of their knowledge, carved in stone (the only medium that could survive for thousands of years). If the message of the stones can be fully deciphered and accepted, it will change our understanding of ancient man, and re-write the history books in a big way.  – – MUST WATCH 2 VIDEOS: Continue reading The Persecution of Dr. Javier Cabrera’s Ica Stones With Dinosaur Glyphs

From Noah to Hercules – What History Says about Early Man

By Brian Forbes

If you have several hours to skim a very interesting topic, you’re in the right place. If you only have 5 minutes to give me, please don’t start here. Start with the Summary on the origin of mankind. This book has been formatted and abridged for internet viewing.  For an  unabridged copy, please follow the “Purchase” link here. (Note: If you can’t afford to buy it, send me a request for a free copy.)    [Links below article]

The World as We Know It

A Description of Early Man

It is a known fact that the earth is 4.5 billion years old.  We’re not allowed to question it anymore.  Everyone who knows their science knows with certainty that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. In fact, they say it so often that people have stopped using “billions of years” and started abbreviating it as byr. A billion years is a long time.

Can you believe that of the 4.5 byrs of Earth’s history, man has only been man for 200,000 years? It’s true. Don’t scorn! Scientists, as I write this, are all (nearly) unanimous that man has been around since 200,000 years ago. It’s verifiable, experimental, solid, unchanging science! Before about four thousand years ago, our ancestors had trouble being modern. People nearly as smart as you, living nearly as long as you, didn’t build the structures we do. They didn’t know how to plant crops. They didn’t travel beyond a few miles from home. They even had a hard time creating watercraft sufficient to carry them beyond the sight of land. You may not realize this, but once I say it, you will. Two hundred thousand years is not only a long time, it’s a very, very long time.

If you are reading this, you more than likely are of childbearing age. A human generation can be as short as 10 years, but if we are being generous, we would double it. Humans have been around, doing their thing, populating the earth, and figuring out what makes us alive for literally 10,000 generations. That means, just in the human line, you have ten thousand mothers and ten thousand fathers. Continue reading From Noah to Hercules – What History Says about Early Man

Archaeological Cover-ups: A Plot to Control History?

By Will Hart

Description: The scientific establishment tends to reject, suppress or ignore evidence that conflicts with accepted theories, while denigrating or persecuting the messenger.


Any time you allege a conspiracy is afoot, especially in the field of science, you are treading on thin ice. We tend to be very sceptical about conspiracies–unless the Mafia or some Muslim radicals are behind the alleged plot. But the evidence is overwhelming and the irony is that much of it is in plain view.

The good news is that the players are obvious. Their game plan and even their play-by-play tactics are transparent, once you learn to spot them. However, it is not so easy to penetrate through the smokescreen of propaganda and disinformation to get to their underlying motives and goals. It would be convenient if we could point to a plumber’s unit and a boldface liar like Richard Nixon, but this is a more subtle operation. Continue reading Archaeological Cover-ups: A Plot to Control History?