Tag Archives: Last Days

The Great 19th, 20th & 21st Century Propaganda War for Total Mind Control

by Power Point Paradise • June 8, 2015 • 0 Comments  •  28 views


The greatest front in the universal war for total control over the souls of men, is the information war. It is the most massive bloody war between true and false information. The slogan “Knowledge is Power” takes on a whole new meaning, that he who controls most of the information channels of “knowledge” has got the power!

Now this treatise is not interested in the WHO, but more about the WHY and the HOW!

Of course foundational to the war over Information and its media channels, was the more basic war to get control over gold and finances, because more gold paved the ‘yellow brick road’ to more acquisition of information channels and factories. During the 19th century they bought the newspaper “Press”, while during the 20th century the drive was on for the books (publishers), movies (Hollywood), and TV channels! But since the 90-ies, the last ‘Gigantomachy’ is being fought and finished off in Cyberspace over the Internet, well into the 21st Century via those nifty “hand-held” devices to be ultimately implanted straight into your brains! Continue reading The Great 19th, 20th & 21st Century Propaganda War for Total Mind Control

Ron Wyatt’s Deathbed Confession of Finding Ark of the Covenant & its Guardian Angels

by Lu •  4,256 views

RealRaiderLostArk-253x300Audio recording of Ron Wyatt just before his death from cancer in August 1999 regarding his claim/experience finding the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ and the chamber it was in. Ron says he was told by angels in the chamber that the information would be made known to the world after the “Mark of The Beast” was introduced. At 17 minutes Ron relates what he was told about the 2 tables of stone of the 10 Commandments.Wyatt’s problem started because Israeli Antiquities didn’t want him to tell anyone about his find, but he had already told some people. Then when word got out and people checked with Israeli Antiquities they denied even knowing who Ron was. This is why people started calling Ron a fraud. If you’re going to disbelieve anyone it should be Israeli Antiquities for putting Ron in that position. Ron has since shown proof that they did know him. Click for Interview & Transcript. Continue reading Ron Wyatt’s Deathbed Confession of Finding Ark of the Covenant & its Guardian Angels

The Civil War Pterosaur shot no one should see!”- Must read!

by Lu Paradise • March 19, 2010 • 49 Comments  •  40,443 views

The most obfuscated “pterodactyl” photo in history? Article also in Deutsch, Espanol, Français, Nederlands, & 中文 and also available as a Fully Illustrated PPS Powerpoint Presentation 1,6 MB here!


There’s a very old photo that no one can see! It’s not that it doesn’t exist,–it exists alright!–but no one is really allowed to see it by the “thought police”. (George Orwell 1984) But even when people see it, many still can’t see it as it really is! At least, very few. I hope you can! Allow me to set the stage…

When an octopus is threatened it expels a confusing cloud of ink into the face of its pursuer. The ink-fish is still there, but temporarily becomes invisible behind its cloud of ink while it makes its get-away. Continue reading The Civil War Pterosaur shot no one should see!”- Must read!