Tag Archives: smart Sumerians

“Fresh-from-the-Cave” Babylonians Used Calculus to Track Jupiter?

The Independent newspaper (now only online) is one kind of newspaper for “smarter” Brits, to keep them interested inspite of their intelligence and STILL be able to dish up the lies that bind them to the politically correct narratives of the Establishment. You’ve got to see that the deep state or the Establishment controls all sides of the spectrum from the Guardian on the Far Left, to the Right with the Independence.


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Earth Measure Geometry, the Great Pyramid and the Astronomical Merry-Go-Round

– By J. Nienhuis  • January 13, 2014 — 110 views

Earth Measure Geometry – Exposition One: 

gyroscope-gif-i0(Note the earth is like a gyroscope in space, axis wobbling while it spins, rotating around the sun.)

Geometry means earth measure, the ancient term used centuries before the Greek Eratosthenes “first measured the earth,” who but in reality measured it rather crudely, to only 5% accuracy, having simultaneously (by hour glasses) measured shadows at two locations in Egypt to calculate the distance between them, and so, the earth’s circumference was roughly extrapolated there from, having known the earth is a sphere.

EratosthenesSo WHO must have measured the globe much more accurately long before the time of Eratosthenes, to have equated the angles and forms of triangles relating to spheres to the true size of the earth, necessarily by much more accurate time measurement?

To measure East to West distances precisely, marked now by the North to South arcs of longitude on the globe, requires accurate timekeeping, which Eratosthenes crudely achieved when measuring solar time by shadows. Continue reading Earth Measure Geometry, the Great Pyramid and the Astronomical Merry-Go-Round